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Passion Play walks Toronto audience from park to church - most powerful vibrator

by:KISSTOY     2020-01-26
Passion Play walks Toronto audience from park to church  -  most powerful vibrator
U. S.
Playwright Sarah Ruhr's passionate drama opened in Toronto on Monday, leading viewers to the church quickly from the outdoor stage of the local park --
The history of 450.
The game of passion is long
The Christian tradition that sets the story of the last few days of Jesus Christ is often staged in churches of certain denominations.
Ruhr's work is an examination of politics, religion and drama, centered on the story of three groups of people
The Elizabethan period was the first in Britain, the second in Nazi Germany, and the third in the United States in 1980.
Three troupes produced in Toronto
Fusion Theater, made of sheep hairless, outside the March-
Focus on the website
The specific immersive theater that brings the audience close to the action. Co-
Director Aaron Willis says they found an outdoor space.
Westborough Park in Toronto Valley-
Indoor stage-
At Union Church-
Help create the feeling of three very different behaviors.
"We think that from the Elizabethan era to the contemporary, we think that starting from the outdoors seems to fit the performance of the Elizabethan era," he said . ".
"Part of the drama Journey is the progress of drama --
Performance style from outdoor stage to indoor stage
How they have changed for centuries.
Alan Dilworth, who shares director duties with Willis and Mitchell Kushman, said it was almost accidental to choose a church for the two parts of the show.
He pointed out that the setting of the church has a "resonance" because of the Association of Traditional passion games.
Between the first and second scenes, a group of actors with colorful fish walked through the leafy suburban streets, and the audience followed them to a new place.
"It's a real journey for the audience," Dilworth said . ".
Each era adapts myth stories in different ways to suit contemporary purposes.
So when the same actor plays the same passion --
Mary, Jesus, Pilate, or Angel
In each scene, their "real"
The characters in life are revealed to be completely different.
May Meizi is an actress who is known for her role as Detective Elizabeth Wright in the CBC crime drama "Cracked", and she plays Mary's role in every part of the show.
As the mother of Jesus, she is expected to be pure in body and spirit, but her true character is in stark contrast.
Although Elizabeth-era Mary was an energetic woman, German Mary was a manipulator and American Mary fell into an unsuccessful marriage.
"There are three different characters, and there are overlapping connections between the three characters, but it's interesting because what the show really involves is what we're told to do, and what is within us. I think, in the first act of the show, Mary plays the role of smiling face, and her sexual nature is more innocent.
"This is very clear," she said.
The play is also played by Andrew Kushner, Julie Temperman Richard Binsley, Amy Keating, Jordan Petel and Cyrus Lane as Pontius Pepe.
It is Maev Beaty who has entered the most powerful role created by Ruhl.
In the first act, she was Queen Elizabeth I, ready to cut off the head of anyone involved in the passionate drama, and then treated as a Catholic ritual.
In the third act, she was Ronald Reagan of the United States. S.
The president of 1981
At the age of 89, he gave the show a smile and a blessing of wisdom.
But the most difficult part is Hitler.
He actually took part in 1934 performances of the Bavarian city of oberohammer high passion drama, which has been staged there every year since 1634.
"A small part of what he said was" we have to protect future generations and be wary of Jewish threats, and that's why the game of passion has to go on "-this is from an actual speech.
This is the background of Ruhl, who uses the show as a way to spread hatred, "Beaty said.
Every powerful character shows the journey of the passionate game in a new perspective, showing the great political power.
Hitler also drew a strong reaction from the audience-from laughing to gasping.
"As an actor, I want to figure out what makes him (Hitler)
So incredibly attractive and charming people.
What game is he playing? " she said. "Sarah (Ruhl)
The problem of playing personal responsibility with the behavior of the community as a group and the political positioning of the community.
"Luer was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize for" vibrator "and" cleaning house.
Dilworth praised the quality of the writing, especially the speech by Pontius Plado.
Pilate is one of the few characters anyone would like to play in any emotional drama, and Ruhr originally wrote by thinking about those who might want to play heroes, but ended up reluctantly playing villains.
"She is a big playwright in the United States, and she is obviously bold in poetry," Dilworth said . " He added that the show is more about human nature than about religion.
"I think it is fairly neutral in terms of its relationship with religion --[Ruhl]
Or actually, says Pontius, I'm not sure if we have too many religious beliefs in our world.
"She clicked on that note and I think it was a good emotion for 2013 people," Dilworth added . ".
The passionate drama was brought by the Crow Theatre to the eastern side of Toronto, which opened on Monday and played at Westborough Park and Eastminster United Church until June 30.
In the event of rain, the play was staged entirely in the church.
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