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Penthouse CEO Kelly Holland wants to revive the legendary adult entertainment brand - sex toys online

by:KISSTOY     2020-08-31
Penthouse CEO Kelly Holland wants to revive the legendary adult entertainment brand  -  sex toys online
Performance: Kelly Holland is executive president and major shareholder of Chatsworth
The adult entertainment brand, founded in 1965 by Bob Guccione, is headquartered in Penthouse Global Media.
Last year, after a long financial hardship with the penthouse, she acquired the company from her parent friend, Finder Networks.
The Netherlands now oversees all of the company's operations, including cable and satellite channels covering more than 100 countries, as well as iconic magazines known for nude female models, known as attic pets.
Catholic girls' school: the Netherlands grew up in the Dallas area and went to a Catholic Abbey school and soon discovered her rebellious side.
"I don't understand why Mary has to be a virgin," she recalls . ".
Her single mother struggled to make a living and she didn't know her father.
"I didn't have an example in growing up, so I had to make up for my position in my life," she said . ".
Her first job was as an audio engineer at Dallas television, which was run by TV evangelist Pat Robertson.
Prior to her move to Los Angeles in 1976, Holland also worked as a model and theater show, and eventually she entered the documentary production field.
As an independent journalist, many of her tasks include covering 1980 generations of political unrest in Central America.
"Never get into a story that looks forward to the story," she said . ".
"It's dishonest of you to tell this story. "A self-
The Netherlands read Mother Jones and likes to quote Marshall McLuhan, a cultural theorist.
In a shared production facility, an accidental encounter with the porn film crew led to her first job directing adult films, including 95 years of production by Vivid Entertainment, she directed the film in the name of "Tony English.
"I think I will be frightened by this business," she recalls . "
"I realize that pornography is the most disruptive, rebellious, and ungovernment propaganda you can participate in.
"Get the keys to the penthouse: after directing dozens of adult films, the Netherlands joined the penthouse in 2006 for a variety of management work, including overseeing the company's broadcasting, publishing and licensing groups. "We're a 50-year-old start-up," she said.
Under the ownership of Florida's friend discoverer, the Penthouse brand has been in trouble for nearly a decade.
The online dating site, which was merged with the company in 2007.
Once in Guccione
Four years ago, the terrible porn empire filed for bankruptcy, and it was the victim of bad investment and the rapidly changing adult entertainment industry.
Last year, the Netherlands planned a management acquisition of the penthouse, which, led by Friend Finder, lost millions of dollars a year.
Executives want to shut down print magazines and be completely digital --
The Netherlands opposes the move because she believes it will alienate the company's loyalty base.
"I know this company wouldn't be able to develop without going out from a friend finder," she said . ".
It is difficult for the Netherlands to find investors.
"This is the most stressful thing I 've ever experienced," she recalls . ".
Eventually, ExWorks Capital, an investment firm in Chicago, stepped in and agreed to fund the acquisition in undisclosed amounts.
The Netherlands says she won't show anything she thinks is female-averse and continues to work on the trademark mix of porn and ideas for the brand --
Lead to magazine articles.
"It's about beautiful naked women, but we're dealing with real themes," she said . ".
Stimulating brand: Penthouse says most of its current revenue comes from cable and satellite channels that showcase the original Penthouse products and content from third partiesParty producer
But the Netherlands wants to shift the focus of the company to the development of authorized business.
The company currently licenses its name to gentleman clubs around the world and licenses its photos to clothing companies.
It is also exploring the business of entering the "breastaurant --
Bars and sports bars, such as bars suitable for men.
To turn the company around, Holland said she made layoffs, including outsourcing some magazine staff to freelancers.
The privately held penthouse did not disclose the financial results, but said it had moved away from the deficit.
Tax profits for the most recent fiscal year.
The Netherlands has acknowledged that the company's digital efforts so far are "a disaster ".
She said the penthouse did not try to compete with free online porn movies.
"We need to provide different content that is different from the free content," she said . ".
One of her overall strategies is to attract more young audiences, including attracting more young brands to advertise in magazines.
"We believe we need to get millennials interested," she said . ".
The Netherlands continues to argue with its main rival, Playboy, founded in 1953 by Hugh Hefner.
"I don't want rabbits to get sick," Holland said . ".
"But I saw it making the wrong decision for so long.
She cited Playboy's decision to stop publishing nude photos in magazines two years ago, but overturned the decision earlier this year.
"We are defined by Playboy, and Playboy is defined by us," she said . ".
"I respect the iconic brand.
"Pet project: There are several passion projects going on in the Netherlands, including online concierge services that offer sex toys and other pornography --
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There is also an intimate hotline for sexual counseling.
She also tried to release a mainstream TV series about the life of the ancient West, who died in 2010 at the age of 79.
The series will dramatize the ups and downs of his career, including the production of the infamous 1980 film, calligura, a work of a penthouse.
"I have a strong opinion on where this company needs to go," Holland said . ".
"We should have the soap box that says sex. ' "david. ng@latimes.
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