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People are having less sex than ever: Could it be your phone? - sex toys for men online

by:KISSTOY     2019-09-21
People are having less sex than ever: Could it be your phone?  -  sex toys for men online
I suddenly woke up a few weeks ago. It was 11.
At 45 on Friday night, I was lying in bed with my dearest and didn't notice him at all.
In fact, it suddenly occurred to me that I had just spent an hour reading a friend's Facebook post and occasionally took a detour through 50 pieces of clothing on eBay.
At the same time, my other half is completely focused on the laptop, searching through political views that he strongly disagrees.
Every five minutes or so, he laughs with cynicism: "Idiot . . . . . . " We haven't spoken since we brushed our teeth, and our bodies haven't touched it: we might as well stay in different rooms, different space stations, different galaxies.
I said loudly, "This is how humans disappear.
It's not climate change, it's not fire or ice-but no one will have sex again because we can't see our wild, staring, bloody eyes from the ruddy screen.
"My love and I have the potential to be part of a disturbing trend.
Natsal's latest data (a National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles every decade since 1991) shows that between 2001 and 2012, the frequency of adult British sex has steadily declined.
Less than half of 16-year-olds
44 people managed to have sex at least once a week, but the most obvious drop was in 35-44 age group;
In 2001, women of this age group had sex four times a month on average, but by 2012 this percentage had fallen to two times a month.
The number of men is also reported to have decreased from four to three.
Over the past decade, the number of men and women who say they have no sex at all has also increased significantly.
Kaye Wellings, who led the study, said: "In the digital age, there are more distracting stimuli that can take up your spare time . " Netflix and social media "may be in the way of intimacy.
"You may question why this is important because the frequency of sex is definitely dependent on individual couples.
I would argue that sex is the oil that keeps the marriage engine running smoothly.
Those who enjoy a lot of physical intimacy tend to report that they have a higher level of health, mental health and harmony with their partner.
The quick pop of a group of good friends suggests that Seth is not looking for the wrong person. One long-
A married old friend said: "Yes, my highly calming anti-depression iPad has had a huge impact on my sex life.
At the same time, an idea
The tank is in his middle.
I 've always thought he was hot in his 50 s, and he said sadly: "Sex is the best entertainment when we're young, but that's not the case now.
"Almost every honest married woman I have consulted admits that if you make a choice between late night and having sex with your spouse, or in several episodes of Fleabag that have never been shown so far
A friend from college pointed out that when she and I got married for the first time, back in our 90 s, there was not much entertainment to fill up the long night: "There may be a thrilling play every week, such as" suspect number one "or" cookie ", but basically it's" News Night "or" hangover ".
She said that since her spouse discovered the Game of Thrones, she has barely had sex with them, "except when we were on vacation, because at that time I banned the whole family from looking at the screen ".
Even the most determined sex lovers will feel like a fool in the Internet age.
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She admitted that her passion for "a good simple shag" was destroyed by long hours of work and taking care of a child, "the terrible addiction of Orange Is the New Black, track your enemies on Facebook ".
At the same time, her lovely partner is also a worker
On dad, "it's too late to go to bed for rumpy --
Because "he's in a disco, or a meme forum dedicated to electronic dance music, or listening to James O'Brien clips ".
She went on to say: "Now from 25: 00 in the evening to B-11, what is the problem time, this is the full time on Thursday night.
Similarly, a friend of hers
The man in his 40 s talked about the father of her two children: "I know he was gone when his earbuds went in.
"It's not just that we middle-aged women are in a hurry.
The Ministry of Education's "next action" program announced last year that its research shows that there is one out of every eight millennials (the program tracks 16,000 Born 1989 young people --90) were self-
Honest virgins, but if you include those who ignore the cracklesthe-
Cherry problem, this number may be as big as one of the six.
There are similar findings in the United States as far as reporter Kate Julian has created a new term for the spirit of the times, she wrote a wide-ranging article entitled "sexual recession" for Atlantic magazine before Christmas.
Julian looks at the contradictory fact that people in the Western world live in times when sex has never been so freely available-provided by dating apps like Tinder and Bumble-without fear and blame, due to effective birth control and the evolving concept of sexuality,
"Despite this, American teenagers and young people have less sex.
"Data from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's Youth Risk Behavior study found that between 1991 and 2017, the proportion of high school students who had sex decreased from 54.
In a similar period of time, psychologist Jean M Twenge's data from the General Social Survey in the United States showed that American adults had sex on average 62 times a year, reaching 54 times.
A political friend pointed out that while older couples may find their love life swamped with social media and click bait, young couples are increasingly exposed to the tyranny of pornography. He says his 25-year-
When her then mate (20 years younger than my friend) didn't try to hide his internet porn habits, put his phone in bed to watch X-
Score the film while hardly trying to please her.
She said he could only get his erection while watching porn.
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Intensive toys are already in front of us and you can only imagine that such scenes will become more and more common.
However, not all the people I spoke to thought their smartphone was a passion killer.
Single friends think they are important dating tools and important promoters of flirting.
A 14-
Not long ago, the marriage ended, and she said using a smartphone before going to bed was a symptom, not a cause of a diminished passion, and now her phone has helped and changed her love life: "I met my new joy on the dating app and it took us hours to exchange intimate messages or to binge on FaceTime.
She also pointed out that the carefully crafted Spotify playlist is 21-
A hybrid tape equivalent to Century 8. One forty-
Three school women I know.
Older children say that without the comfort of online life, she doesn't think she can spend the last few years of her marriage.
She said: "I think my phone and tablet will be popular when my relationship becomes more interesting.
She thinks people may confuse causes and symptoms: "We don't get relationship counseling because of our screen habits, although if we don't take refuge on Netflix and social media, we may solve our problems faster.
"No matter what the benefits are --
Screen life, I can't help but feel that the best way to keep a healthy sex life is to ban the damn stuff in the bedroom.
The most inspiring story I 've ever heard involves a couple in their 50 s whose children have run away from home.
The husband told me that they had set up a new procedure after finding out that they were a little lax with sex;
No matter which of them comes home from work first, they have to go upstairs and tidy up the bedroom, open a bottle of wine, turn off all the equipment, and then lie naked in bed waiting for another to come back.
There are no clear rules for what happens next when they are reunited: they can just spoon, chat, read or have sex, he said.
He says the impact on marriage intimacy is amazing.
It's harder for those of us who go to school.
Imitate the descendants of this garden.
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