People Are Sending Dildos to the Oregon Militants - sex toys men online
Amon Bundy and his team of armedranchers are still continuing their-
The government has taken over Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, the afederal building in Oregon.
The standoff earlier this month and occupi vowed to remain silent.
In the building as long as needed.
According to The Associated Press, "but apparently they didn't pack enough supplies because, in the second week of the standoff, Bondi's mother asked supporters to send them supplies including socks, cigarettes and snacks.
Armed occupiers have been receiving packages since they asked for supplies, but some have not received beef jerky but have sent them dildos.
In a video posted on Facebook on Monday, Jon Ritzheimer, an armed man who took over the federal building, made his complaint, call the package something annoying.
"This is really interesting," Ritzheimer said at some point in the video . ".
"A bag of Dick.
"Then he pushed all the sex toys onto the table and the floor.
Ritzheimer added before making an appeal for action: "We will continue to do the right thing for our country, come here to be patriots, and come here to stand up for your country.
"Basically, that's what Ritzheimer said, and they want fewer false penises and more friends.
These "care packages" are not the only dildo-
Protests have made headlines in recent months: as early as December, matt Haughey responded to the Republican Party's position on gun control by taking photos of Republican politicians holding guns, it makes them look like they actually have a huge fake penis.
Same month, counter.
The protesters turned to a pro
The gun incident at the University of Texas at Austin is not carrying weapons, but dildos.