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Pinnacle of Bliss: on Lord Nataraja’s cosmic dance - durex vibrating ring of bliss

by:KISSTOY     2020-01-14
Pinnacle of Bliss: on Lord Nataraja’s cosmic dance  -  durex vibrating ring of bliss
Angikam bhuvanam yasyaVachikam sarva vangmayamAharyam chandra taradiTam namah satvikam Sivam. (
Whose limbs are the universe, whose words are the essence of all languages, whose ornaments are the moon and the stars --
We bow to that kind-hearted Shivam! )
The sacred text at the ceremony of savagama Tantra, Sadana or pious singles-
Pointing out worship, designing an art form that can guide all human dedication --
Top dancer Nataraja
The form of Nataraja is known as the highest concept of art.
It is said that the ancient sevians would dance.
Play in the famous natalaja Temple Chidambaram.
In the holy month of Margai (December-January)
In the state of Tamil Nadu, in the days of asterism Tiruvadirai, the Arudra festival is for all the temples, especially Lord Nataraja of Chidambaram
Of the five elements, the most subtle space, whose essence is sound, is represented by Akasa Lingam in the temple dedicated to this concept, Chidambaram.
Lord Nataraja will personalise from the bottom to a creative act, and from the bottom to a dissolved act.
Ananda Tenda Wan
Dance of happiness
It is the dance of Nataraja of Chidambaram.
In his Tantra, Tirumoolar referred to it as the "nadanta" pose
The peak of meditation bliss-
Even beyond the unheard of voice or the realm of the ultimate Shiva Vyapti!
The dance hall is Chit Akasha, the highest consciousness Hall.
On this holy day, a Lord hymns Siva performed five of the most important functions to keep the world in a rhythmic rotation.
I create, protect, disband them, reveal the truth, and bathe in grace.
The cosmic dances of Lord Nataraja and his companion Sivakami represent these Pancha Kriya dances.
Sriudra or Tiruvaadirai are considered to be Lord Nataraja's favorite star, although the Lord was never born.
On this day, he appeared to the holy man, pattanjali, and vialapada.
Maha Vishnu asked Adi Sesha to go to Chidambaram for meditation, so he came to Chidambaram for a snack.
The Lord appeared on tiruvadirai day and danced in kiddambaram.
Iyal, Isai, Natakam-form the three-
Fold the components of the oldest language in Tamil.
At the temple ceremony, Geita (music)Vadya (
Instrumental music)and Nritya (dance)
It is the three prominent Upasanas at the height of the sixteen apacharas.
Because all festivals are religious.
Music and dance are important factors in the celebration.
Skanda purana describes the day when the sun shines in the constellation Dhanur, Tiruvadirai Vrata, which is Devata.
This is combined with the full moon, Pournami.
On this day, one gets up early in the morning to worship the dancing Lord.
Worship on Tiruvadirai is the south side of Shiva Linggan, which is composed of abhiskabam, supplies and butter lamps.
Black Festival-
The paste called Krishna. gandha-
Held on this day is the unique utsavam.
Aghora Shivacharya's kriyakramadyotika is a ceremonial text that is most popular in Tamil Nadu, followed by a large number of temples.
Karanaagama gave the process and purpose of this practice.
Cool sand cream and agarwood cream are mixed in proportion.
Add milk shortening in a heated and burning mixture to make it black
Paste to use in the festival.
It is considered to be the Saiva Siddhanta doctrine, which gives the famous motto --
Anbe Sivam or God is love and all creatures are covered by three Malas or impurities, namely Anava/finiteness, Karma/past actions and further division of Maya/unreal into coarse and subtle impurities.
The rough impurities are placed at the foot of guru, while the subtle impurities are yield to the foot of adiguruna taraja. The Black-
Paste represents the impurities that are removed when the dance presents Aghora form.
After Black removal-
Paste, as part of the "nritta" festival, God is bathed.
Nataraja is called Nritta-nayaka.
The Nritta performed by the Lord is called the Aghora dance.
The holy bath given to God on this day is the best in six days of the year. In Thillai i. e.
Chidambaram, a ten
Festivals are held during Tiruvadirai.
On the tenth day of Dawn, Maha abhiskabam saluted Lord Nataraja and goddess Sivakamasundari at Raja Sabhai.
A special Tiruvabharanam
Pancha Murthi of Sri Nataraja is the sacred jewel Alankaram with nine precious gems.
Abhigan of Nataraja
The column support Hall is a big event;
Represents creation (srishti).
The food provided is kept (stithi)
The sandals are dissolving when Krishna Gandham is applied to him (samhara).
A black cow was brought to him as a shelter (tirobhava )
In the end, the dipstick Adhana Bharati that everyone has witnessed is grace (anugraha).
These are activities that are considered to be the gods of Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, Maheshwara and Sadasiva, respectively.
Lord Nataraja and goddess Sivakami will bless the devotees with Arudra Darsanam and enter Kanaka Sabhai-Golden Sabha.
The positive thoughts of the hymn Tiruvasagam Tiruvempavai Manikkavachakar.
Sambandar sang songs in Tevaram about celebrating Tiruvadirai at the Temple of kapaleswara;
In Tevaram wrote 10 songs in the name of Tiruvadirai pathiam, describing the importance and celebration of Tiruvadirai.
On the day of the full moon, a chariot parade was held.
This day Arudra Naivedyam, made for Lord natalaja, is made of rice, jaggery, moong dal, coconut, cardamom and ghee, mainly from seven vegetables including root vegetables.
On this day in Kerala, a group dance of Thiruvathirakali performed by women.
From 27 Nakshatras, Tiru Adirai (Arudra)
Dear to Siva and Tiru Onam (Sravana)to Vishnu.
Vaikunta Ekadasi Memorial Vishnu and Arudra Darsanam Memorial Shiva (as Nataraja)
This means the integration of Saivism and Vaishnavism, both of which occur one after another in margaazhi.
Ignorance crushed Nataraja, literally the Lord of the stage.
The idea is that the world is a stage, a puppet.
Show the vision of life and activities through the power of all
Filled in front of the invisible Lord Atman or God on the stage.
Atman or self is the true teacher of the human mind, Nataraja is intended to represent the master, invisible, but to promote growth from.
When we see the eyes of natalaja, we think of shambawi mudra of yoga, in which the eyes are open, but the vision is turned inward.
Drums carry the cause of the world, I. e. , sound (
Shaboda nishtamm Jagad-via voice world station)in his hand.
The deer on one side is the mind that jumps from one thing to another.
Nataraja, wearing the skin of a tiger, represents ahankara or egoism.
He wears the Ganges on his head, symbolizing the most refreshing Chit Bharti or wisdom, and the moon represents the ethereal light.
1 feet crushed Maha Maya, an endless illusion that led to birth and death.
Ignorance as a result of bondage to the world is like a demon that must be crushed, which God does in his Nritta.
A symbol of wisdom at the foot of the Lord, Mayalaka or Apasmarasura is the embodiment of this truth.
The other foot is raised up, representing the Turiya state, which transcends the three states of waking, dreaming, and dreamless sleep, defeating Maya.
The right hand representing the concept of peace and blessing represents the glorious privilege of wisdom.
Held in one of the hands, is Agni (fire), i. e.
The purified flame of truth.
The left hand flows gracefully through the right, giving Sakti a position in the duet.
The Dance Place, the theater, is the body of Thillaivanam or individual, and the body of the universe, known as the forest due to the numerous components of the forest.
The platform of the theater is the fire field, where all passion and the names and forms that make up the vision of the world are burned;
Pure consciousness, no attachment to anything outside the world.
He caught the snake (Power of Kundalini)
Prove that he is a master of yoga.
Hotel Vayus is very harmonious.
The energy wheel or chakra is fully balanced.
Thinking on this magnetic image, Unity takes place in the mind of yogis, and when it happens, it brings a complete cessation of all the activities of the mind.
Nataraja shows the mystery of transcending that state of harmony in a dance gesture.
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