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Playing with history: Corsica's Playmobil homage to Napoleon - playing with sex toys

by:KISSTOY     2020-03-08
Playing with history: Corsica\'s Playmobil homage to Napoleon  -  playing with sex toys
The mini-museum is located on a small street near Napoleon Bonaparte-born Corsica's House, inviting young people to relive the story of the French emperor ---
Crafted through hundreds of Playmobil statues.
Frederick Piero, 53year-
The old IT entrepreneur came up with this idea a few years ago as a way to pay tribute to the most famous son of the Mediterranean island, while "rediscovering the historical reconstruction I did when I was 10 ".
"I want an original idea, not all digital technology products," he said . "
He used his work from his vast Playmobil collection to start customizing statues with paper, raffia and even hand-made accessories to create historically accurate scenes and characters. For 20 euros ($23)
Fans can buy it themselves. to-
Order Napoleon or his wife Josephine.
Under the guidance of the tour guide, Piero, in depicting the events that changed the course of history, deepened the curiosity of tourists with little-known anecdotes.
"When he was 13, Napoleon organized a three-day snowball fight at the Burian military school in northeast France," he said ".
"For historians, these days have hinted at the character of the future chief.
"The next step is reconstruction, starting with 1793 Siege of Toulon, where the young general showed his strategic talent and ended in 1804 crowned as an emperor.
The tone is undisguised optimism--
For example, his disastrous final defeat at Waterloo was not reproduced ---
A story about courage, friendship and a little coquetry.
"When we see (Emmanuel)
"Mark Long and his wife are today," said Piero, referring to the age difference between the French president and his wife, Brigitte, who is 25 larger than him
"But at their civil wedding, Josephine de bohanayis declared himself five years younger than the actual age, and Napoleon made himself old so that they could hide their ownsix-year)age difference. "-
A child's dream
The episode led to the story of Napoleon's coronation, when Josephine told the pope that they had not yet married in the eyes of God, a hurried church wedding had to be arranged.
Napoleon was very annoyed that when he listed what was called Napoleon's code, he made sure that only civil weddings had any legal basis in French law.
Piero also has another trick to keep visitors alert.
Characters hidden in the Playmobil model do not belong to: Harry Potter, Yoda, Sherlock Holmes, Pokemon. . .
"Well, children, learn how to keep your eyes open," he told them . ".
"This is my favorite," says Maxence, 7. year-
St. from the French city.
Etienne went to visit his grandmother. Madeline, 13year-
The old man, who spends every summer in Corsica, has been there dozens of times and even gave pilot her old Playmobil characters so he can build new scenes.
Not only are young people standing out from this visit as enthusiastic fans.
Simon Martens, 25, said: "It's great, like a child's dreamyear-old Belgian.
"I did the same thing when I was young and created my own little battle ---
"It's better, of course, because he makes things himself," he said . ".
Robert dabowski is from Poland but lives in the UK and he gave him 20-when he visited with his wife and children-
English minute tour.
"It's good for children to tell the story in this way ---
"Toys are also involved, so they are also involved instead of having a dry history," Dabrowski said . ".
Museum tickets opened in July 2016 cost 3 euros for visitors aged 10 and over, offsetting the 10,000 euros invested by Piero.
"Playmobil has approved my project but they have not funded it," he said . ".
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