Porn makes 'guys more sexually sensitive', couples 'more attracted to each other' - playing with sex toys

As of this article, 183,727 people have subscribed to tor/NoFap's "fapstronau", a sub-site dedicated to non-masturbation.
The first two "hottest" posts "not fapping is the confidence to be sure --
"Boosters" and "pornography hinder the ability to develop to a deeper level of masculinity.
"It fits in with an argument that seems to always jump in the Internet and pop culture: the human brain (usually male) is unable to deal with the stimuli that exist in porn, so, it causes men to lose interest in sex, leading to "pornography --
Erectile dysfunction
"A study last month found that people think their addiction to pornography heralds a spiritual or religious struggle.
On 2013, British Prime Minister David Cameron was interviewed for investigating porn.
The trend story in this publication laments, "he's not so interested in anyone," and "In the end, porn doesn't stir up a man's desire --
It keeps them away from reality.
In fact, according to a 2007 survey, 70 percent of Americans believe pornography is harmful.
The idea reappeared in this week's conversation, lamenting that porn "artificially overstates the environmental factors that we naturally evolved into sexual arousal ". ” Erotica —a3,000-year-old pursuit—
This could have a more serious impact on relationships, the column says.
However, as reported by journalist Maria conicova for Aeon, strict social
Scientific research tells a very different story about what happens when people watch others make love.
It is true that there are relatively few studies on pornography.
Nicole prase, a sexual physiology psychologist at the University of California, Los Angeles, explained to Konnikova that the scientific community is "very afraid of pornography and sex" and it is difficult to study the most reasonable topic in this method --
Experiment (in a laboratory) or longitudinal (in a long period of time ).
But, to a large extent, sex.
Prause and one of his colleagues found in a 2015 study of 280 men in Idaho and New Mexico that viewing stimulation did not promote erectile dysfunction --
In fact, it has to do with greater sexual sensitivity.
The authors of the study first asked these men how frequently they viewed "visual stimulation" at home, generating three groups: those who said they had not seen it, those who say they can't see two hours a week, those who say they see more than two hours a week.
In the lab, men watched short films describing sexual behavior of the opposite sex;
Subsequently, participants who watched more frequent porn at home reported that they were most exciting and actually had a higher desire to have sex with apartner.
In another 2013 study, Prause and co-
The authors asked 44 heterosexual couples of one-wife to watch sex films, as well as "exciting" non-sex films and natural documentaries.
They found that couples watching pornographic movies have higher levels of sexual desire for their partners and have a more positive evaluation of their sexual behavior.
At the same time, a _ 12 review of research conducted on the use of pornography by adolescents found that "the general literature does not show conclusive results", contrary to the public's view, there is no solid evidence that pornography can lead to "indulgent sexual attitudes, sexual concerns, and early sexual experiments" among adolescents ".
In fact, pornography appears to be of an educational nature: According to 2015 studies by German and Polish university students, sex consumption is associated with broader sexual behaviorthink role-
Sex toys-
Not a more sexy partner. But the hang-
Ups about watching porn continues to exist and talks about the bigger issue in the US about going to bed.
Although President Obama expressed his gratitude for the festival
Only education, as long as it is said no to sex, is still an important part of sex education in the United States (it is maddening that a 2011 study found that "abstinence --
Only education as a national policy is ineffective in preventing teenage pregnancy and can in fact lead to high rates of teenage pregnancy in the United StatesS. ”).
Konnikova explains in her Aeon article that instead of learning sex (and sexual pleasure, gasp!
At school, many young people learn from pornographic movies. ).
So it would certainly help if more children in the United States were exposed to sex.
Positive Education
Ted talk by Emily Nagowski, author of come like you, "opens the door to your real sex life": The Surprising New Science that changes your sex life is a start.
As one sex educator told Konnikova, this has to do with the importance of allowing people to admit sex --
Tell them that their desires are valid and, as educators say, they are not "evil, strange creatures" if they like sex ".
Or, porn for this purpose.