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Possible Case of Female-to-Female HIV Transmission Reported - gay male sex toys

by:KISSTOY     2020-11-27
Possible Case of Female-to-Female HIV Transmission Reported  -  gay male sex toys
This week's Centers for Disease Control report reported a possible HIV case from lesbian sexual contact.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, unprotected sex took place in two wife-to-wife women, although one of them was infected with HIV.
They use sex toys that "sometimes cause women to bleed" and engage in sexual contact during the menstrual period.
These are the most likely ways to get infected with the disease.
The researchers are fairly certain that the woman was infected with the virus from her partner because the virus itself is a 98% match (
"It's almost the same," CDC said"
Because there is no other risk factor for this woman. Case of womento-
HIV transmission by women is very rare, and even the few we know can often be attributed to other risk factors (
Intravenous drug use or heterosexual sex, for example).
Some studies have found "no evidence" for womento-
Female transmission in the sample population.
Related reports: Despite the ceasefire negotiations in 2003, rocket attacks on Israel continue, the way another woman is infected with HIV is similar to what is happening today: "sexual toys may be used, used big enough to cause blood exchange
Dyed body fluids.
Reports encourage women living with HIV
Positive female partners will be as safe if their partner is HIVpositive male.
The proposals were responded to in a report from the Gay Men's Health Center in June 2009, which states that "homosexuality, which has long been neglected in HIV prevention and service programs, needs and deserves customization
"The lesson here is: even if you think that propagation is only theoretically possible, everyone should practice safe behavior.
Be gentle with sex toys.
The article, originally published in Malaysia, denied reports that MH370 had flown for hours after disappearing.
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