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Queensland Government lowers age of consent for anal sex to 16 - anal sex toys for men

by:KISSTOY     2019-09-25
Queensland Government lowers age of consent for anal sex to 16  -  anal sex toys for men
The legal age for voluntary anal sex in Queensland has been consistent with all other acts of legitimacy, ending the "outdated" legislation against homosexuality.
Although 16 is the legal age for most sexual acts, anal sex is illegal before the age of 18.
Queensland is the only state in Australia that has different consent ages for different voluntary sex.
Last night, the Labor government and independents voted with 28 opposition lawmakers to pass the law.
Other LNP members did not vote.
Two Australian members of Katter, Robbie Katter and Shane Knuth, are the only members of Congress who oppose these changes.
The term sodomy will also be replaced by anal sex in the criminal code to help reduce stigma.
Health Minister David Cameron Dick said the laws eventually corrected injustice and protected the health of young people.
"By eliminating inappropriate and valuable language and ensuring equality of consent to age, the bill will not only improve sexual health outcomes, but also mental health outcomes for young Queensland people.
"Health experts have found that older restrictions can lead to people having to hide their sexual history information from health practitioners because they are afraid of legal consequences, he said.
"Concealing this information can have a serious impact on the health care of young people, especially since unprotected anal sex is the highest --
Dangerous behaviour in the transmission of HIV.
Michael Scott, director of the Queensland AIDS Commission, said any barriers to access health care for all must be removed.
"Different age of consent is an obstacle to equal access to health care," he said . ".
"What we are concerned about is the current agreement to age inequality, young people who are sexually active are reluctant to access sexual health services, including HIV and other sexually transmitted infections testing and preventive health education, for fear of being prosecuted.
Opposition health spokesman John
Paul Langbroek supports these changes, but calls on the government to clarify how it will educate 16 and 17-year-
Old people about change.
"Queensland's sexual health strategy includes few or even no details on how to achieve it," he said . ".
"There is also no information about the Queensland sexual health strategy, which refers to the recommendation on education programs, referring to the side effects of sexual behavior on the body, which may not have fully developed yet, or mental health.
"In 1991, voluntary anal sex was legalized among Queensland adults.
Steven Myers, the environment minister, said the "outdated" law debranded gay sex.
"We all know that this old law does not stop anyone from anal sex.
"Its role is to prevent young people from accessing important health care and safety information.
Topic: Sex, Lawcrime-and-
National Justice
Parliament, sex
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