'Real' fake research hoodwinks US journals - anal dildo toys

Three American researchers got rid of a complicated scam by publishing false research in sociological journals with absurd conclusions to expose what they believe is ideological bias and a lack of rigorous scrutiny of these publications.
Seven of the 20 false articles written by the three were accepted by the journal after obtaining peer approval
Review Committee responsible for checking the author's research.
A false study called "Helen Wilson" claimed that "Dog Park is a petri dish for dogs" rape culture ", published in the journal gender, location and culture.
The article argues that training men like dogs can reduce sexual abuse.
False research articles are not new: Physicist Alan sokall is one of the most striking examples, he wrote about cultural and philosophical issues in physics and mathematics in 1996 articles in a journal of cultural studies.
This time, false research aims to ridicule weak reviews of popular articles
Social issues such as gender, race and sex.
The author writes under a pseudonym, aiming to prove that scholars in these fields are prepared to accept any paper, however outrageous it may be, as long as it helps to condemn the rule of white people.
"Let the absurd and terrible ideas be politically fashionable enough to be validated in the highest level of academic grievance research," one of the authors James Lindsay revealed on The ProjectLindsay --
This is his real name. -
Obtained a doctorate in mathematics from the University of Tennessee in 2010, and has been fully committed to this project for a year and a half.
A published journal article analyzes why a man masturbates when he thinks of a woman without consent, which is sexual assault.
The other is that feminists rewrite the chapter of Merlin kampuf. Some articles-
For example, a study to examine the effects of anal expansion agents used by heterosexual men on their transgender lives-
Even claiming to rely on data such as interviews, which could have been confirmed by the gatekeeper magazine.
For the "study", the author claimed to have interviewed 13 men.
In the dog article, the author claims to have checked the genitals of nearly 10,000 dogs.
"If our project shows anything, it shows that the results of these disciplines cannot be trusted at the moment," Lindsay told AFP . ".
Their goal, however, is not to destroy or destroy these disciplines.
"We think they should reform," he said . "-
Against ethical standards? -
These pranks get a joke on Twitter, but researchers are more concerned about the methods and ethics of false authors, as well as the possibility of summarizing the target area.
"We 've learned that when you send a compelling paper full of false data, you can publish it.
But we 've been aware of this for decades, "Ivan olensky said in a website retracement observation.
The problem of quality and fraud is not limited to the humanities, nor is it limited to journals with lower prestige.
Even the largest journals, sometimes even well-known researchers, must recover their papers on a regular basis.
But in this case, according to the article by Alison Phelps, a professor of gender studies at the University of Sussex at Times Higher Education, it is clear that the researchers are not engaged in "good --
As they claim, the critique of faith is actually intended to undermine the political sphere they have? not scholarly ? objections to.
Other hoaxers-real names --
Peter Boghossian, professor of philosophy at the University of Portland, and Helen Pluckrose, a top editor at AreoMagazine.
Com, a website that posted a detailed description of deception ---
The Wall Street Journal also published details.
When the publisher finally realized that the author "Helen Wilson" did not exist, the article about the dog was deleted.
Ann Garry, interim editor of Haima Tia: The Journal of Feminist Philosophy, told AFP that she was "deeply disappointed" to learn about the shenanigans of her published magazine ".
"The idea of individuals submitting false academic material violates many ethical and academic norms," she said . ".
Editor-in-chief Robert Refinettiin-
The head of sex and culture told AFP that three universities reviewed articles about dildos
None of the experts in the field suspected it was a scam.
"Refinetti is also on the defensive.
He said the author's fabrication "went against their integrity, not against the integrity of the journal that published the results of the study ".
There are thousands of academic journals in the world, and while some organizations have set standards that allow journals to identify fraud, adoption is uneven.
For medical or biological sciences, this includes providing raw data to peers
Audit personnel check the results.
But David Meller of the Open Science Center said that in the humanities section, filing interview records would raise questions of secrecy.
"We encourage as much transparency as possible," he said . ".
Nicholas Mazar, editor of The Journal of Poetry Therapy-
Who accepted what the prank author said
Male "rambling "--
He said he would take basic censorship measures after being cheated.
Mazza has so far been more focused on plagiarism-
But from now on, he told AFP, "I will definitely check the authenticity of the author/institution before sending the manuscript for review . ".
An article published in the magazine scam says training men like dogs can reduce sexual abuse ---