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Reinventing the orgasm for Irish women - the hidden health benefits of a satisfying love life - sex toys for men online

by:KISSTOY     2019-09-21
Reinventing the orgasm for Irish women - the hidden health benefits of a satisfying love life  -  sex toys for men online
Yes, yes, Yessssssss!
Let's talk about the climax. A pocket-
The Explorer's Guide to the climax of the planet tells us, "everyone is an entire erotic universe waiting to be explored.
Its author, Anne schber, is a positive story about sex.
For the past 40 years, who has been working at the forefront of human sexuality.
She believes that the accepted definition of climax
Muscle contraction in the pelvic region-
Limited and limited.
It's not just physical, it's spiritual, emotional, esoteric, she says.
Depending on who you are and how it is, there will be a variety of rainbows.
Sometimes it doesn't show up at all, which makes us think that our sexuality is somehow ineffective.
"We are not programmed by society.
"Goal-oriented, fun, cheerful sex," she said . ".
"Instead, we know that sex is incomplete or unsatisfactory without orgasm.
We are told that when we reach the climax, we will succeed.
But sex is not a competitive sport.
Having sex is a dance and we miss most of the tango if orgasm is the only goal.
"Sprinkle urges us to try to breathe so that we can have a climax response outside of the traditional framework --
Energy climax, giant animal, clamp Stone, dream gas, frozen gas, coregasms, mini gas, waveform gas and full body orgasm status.
We are all the culmination of exploring the happy inner world, she said.
"There is no clear answer," she said of the definition of orgasm . ".
"A paper in the review of clinical psychology lists 26 definitions.
"In particular, considering that the climax of human beings is at the heart of the ongoing existence of human beings, this is not a particularly good research topic.
"Many professionals are reluctant to take the risk of shame and shame of doing a climax study," she said . ".
"History shows that studying happiness can ruin a career.
"The climax study began with modern Freud, who gave us the concept of sexual drive, suggesting that human behavior is driven by our sexual desire, both conscious and unconscious.
His assumption, however, is that there are two female orgasms --
The vagina and the clit are "mature" orgasms and "immature" orgasms respectively.
Today, we realize it's nonsense, but for decades we 've been encouraging women to chase those
Known as the "mature" Climax, rather than enjoying the real "immature" climax that we are more familiar.
Freud's colleague William Reichy wrote the function of the climax and gave the concept of the world "orgone energy" that you can sit in "orgone box --
A box the size of a telephone booth
Accumulating esoteric sexual energy
Despite being considered a fool of science by Einstein, the orgone box is in mid-
Twenty-century writers, such as William balles, Jack Kerouac, JD Salinger, and Norman Mellor, are sub-cycles in Woody Allen's film Sleeper.
In the works of writers Evelyn Wo and musicians Kate Bush, Devo and Hawkwind, it is also cited in popular culture.
Reich's work is considered subversive, and in 1957 he died in prison after a dispute with the US Food and Drug Administration over the distribution of the orgone box.
"Orgasm is no longer just biological function, nor is it a side effect of casual pleasure," he wrote before his death . ".
"It is the center of the human experience and ultimately determines the happiness of human beings.
"Between 1950 and 1980, master husband and wife team and Johnson challenged Freud's mature and immature theory of female orgasm --
By observing hundreds of men and women in their research lab who have experienced orgasm
And put forward a new definition of the cycle of sexual response: excitement, Plateau, climax and determination.
However, they focus primarily on the physiological mechanisms of orgasm (heartbeat, blood flow, etc. ) rather than what happens to the main sexual organs --the brain.
At 1979, sex therapist Helen Singh Kaplan increased her desire in her three clear wake-up states --
Desire, excitement, climax.
Until then, desire has not been considered, which seems unthinkable today, until we remember that about 25 women have experienced the difficulties of orgasm, 1 out of 10 has not experienced at all.
Cultural and social influences play a role in this, as do gender injustice in the bedroom --
It was not until recently that women forged it that it was considered unusual.
In this era of higher sexual liberation, with all kinds of useful sexual toys, pretending that the climax is no longer as regular as the previous generations.
Especially when we find our sexual voice, women's desires are no longer unacknowledged/taboo, or both.
Betty Dodson, an American sex educator, wrote: "There are almost as many women as men . " She agrees with Masters and Johnson that the main sex organs of women are the clit
"Most of us, however, are internal.
"Today, with the internet promoting a wide range of online surveys, MRI and PET scans, ultrasound and ultrasound are being used for climax studies.
"The History of the climax study is still being created," says Anne SPER . ".
Yes, yes, Yessssss! -
A study by American sexologist Beverly Whipple and Gina Ogden explores how women achieve a satisfactory climax without genital stimulation.
Learning "thinking" can be particularly beneficial for those with spinal cord injuries. -
Opposite above.
Everything is stimulated, and the climax that is assisted and lengthened by deep breathing lasts longer and is very strong.
So powerful, it can cause teeth chatter in its consequences. -
Stimulation of the sexual zone (nipple, anal area, neck, foot, toe, etc. ) leads to orgasm without genital sex. -
Or night climaxes, 37 pc that were found to affect American women by the golden race report.
They are an example of what Sprinkle calls an "energy climax" because they happen without sex. -
After the climax, I couldn't help crying and my nervous mood was released.
Very common, but rarely culturally portrayed. * -
Orgasm occurs during exercise, especially when challenging the core muscles of the abdomen.
A study shows that men and women on about 10 PCs have experienced it at least once.
It can also happen in yoga. ΩStress -
The release of dopamine creates a pleasant feeling, and the endorph creates a good feeling.
Release at orgasm.
Whether orgasm occurs alone or with a partner, the result is the same --
Lower blood pressure and a sense of relaxation.
Ashley Grossman, professor of endocrinology at Oxford University, pointed out how hormone prolactin released during orgasm and hormones released by the body during breastfeeding play a calming role. -
Of course, serious depression also requires appropriate medical intervention. Serotonin -
Related to anti-depression drugs such as Prozac
Released by the brain during orgasm.
The NHS has a leaflet for UK students indicating that the day's climax has kept doctors away --
Sexual release is important for physical and mental health. -
Natural sleeping pills are also due to lower blood pressure and the release of endorphin.
The release of prolactin also helps deep sleep. -
In 1997, a study in Wales showed that men with the most orgasms (twice a week or more) live 50 pc longer than men with the least orgasms (once a month.
Again, partners are not needed.
Another study from Israel showed that women with more orgasms had fewer heart attacks --and vice versa. -
For example, due to the release of dopamine, the body's own pain killer, orgasm can relieve menstrual cramps.
The same is true of headaches.
Dr. Beverly Whipple, a certified sex educator, sex counselor and sex researcher, found female G-
The spot is 1970 s, and it is reported that the threshold of female orgasm pain has increased by 107 pc.
Another study involving 83 migraine women found that more than 50 PCs had reduced pain levels after orgasm.
Improve immunity-
Release antibody Immunoglobulin A at orgasm.
A study reported that 30 pc increased resilience to a common cold, and subjects in the study enjoyed several orgasms per week --
It has been shown that hormone oxytocin can improve the pairing relationship between husband and wife and increase the loyalty of both parties, resulting in deeper and more fulfilling relationships.
Dr David Linden, a New York neurologist and author of the happy compass, added that only seizures can stimulate the brain more than orgasms;
Its pleasure is comparable to the effect of cocaine, heroin, alcohol, Anfei's life or winning cash.
So orgasm is addictive. -
The hormone DHEA that repairs the tissue is released at orgasm.
After that, according to the world-
Annie Chiu, a famous dermatologist, released antioxidant melatonin from deep sleep, helping to regenerate the skin.
So the more orgasms you have, the better you sleep, and the younger you look. -
In a study in Canada, climax delivers oxygen-filled blood to the lower hills, which improves the ability to remember facial and abstract words.
Jens Pruessner, a professor of psychology at McGill University, explains how hormones and neurotransmitters in the brain are associated with memory and sexual behavior.
So the more sex, the clearer the memory is.
Similar results can be achieved through exercise, but orgasm is more interesting.
Alan Steinberg, born in Philadelphia in 1953, and Anne schber is a breakthrough X-rated feminist.
She was a sex worker, a stripper and a porn star and is now considered a sexually active educator, writer and artist.
Long before the Internet normalised these ideas, Sprinkle was in one-
Women's theatrical performance, an open cervical announcement, she sits on stage with a telescope and a flashlight, inviting the audience to look at the inside of the vagina at close range. Non-
This led to a series of further educational films such as 1992 films "sl women" and "goddess workshop" and how to become a sexual goddess in 101 simple steps.
Sprinkle has appeared in nearly 100 porn films and has recently released her porn story, the world of the climax of Anne Sprinkle is amazing.
Her books include Anne SBO: Post-modern porn, hardcore from the heart: performing the fun of neutral love, profit and politics, and the spectacular sex of Dr. SBO: there's a planet climax for you.
Her photography has appeared in Penthouse, Newsweek, spin, and American photographer.
She gave extensive lectures at the University and held courses and seminars at the international level.
Sprinkle married her collaborator, art professor Beth Stephens, in 2007, and she launched the "eco-movement" with her, prompting us to see nature as our lover, not our mother.
She recently received her PhD from the San Francisco Institute of Advanced human sexuality --
She said on her website that she was "the first porn star in history to get a PhD.
"Her website is anniesprinkle. org (asm). Have a look.
She's charming.
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