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- remote control vibrator for couples

by:KISSTOY     2019-12-23
  -  remote control vibrator for couples
Victoria in Wu La released: November 19, 2013 08:05 EDT | update: November 19, 2013 08:56 EDT if designed for couple design of application also not enough bad New York-
S. -based companies create a way for people in a relationship to "reach" their partners even if they are separated.
TapTap wristbands are sold in pairs and each member of a couple wears a wristband.
When a person taps on their wristband, the wristband of the other person vibrates to the same pattern --
Whether it's to let them know they're thinking about them or to send a cautious message.
It is said that each band charge for about seven days at a time, including LED lights, to remind people to miss the tap.
TapTap is the idea of designer Woodenshark, which has launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund the product.
A pair of wristbands, priced at $130 (£ 80), comes with a capacitive sensor and accelerometer for sensing taps.
To connect a pair of wristbands, users need to download the free smartphone app to their Android or iOS device and enter their email address.
The app also allows users to send and receive taps from their phones.
Most of the band is made of hypoallergenic plastic with a silicon dot on the top.
Each member of a couple is called TapMate.
According to the company's Kickstarter page: "taptap connects you with your beloved, just as you never left each other.
This is a way to say the most important things to the most important people.
"Your lover is the only one who will feel like you have touched the wristband.
No matter how far you are from each other, it feels like you just touched his hand.
"The Two TapTap wristbands are only connected to each other, just like the two of you.
The company claims that a couple can use the wristband to create a secret language or send messages like Morse code.
Whether you want to say "I love you", "I Miss You", "I Miss You", this is your secret language, or "I am waiting for you," continued wooddenshaq.
Future models of wristbands can be connected to game controllers such as recording motion, or smart alerts to wake people up in the morning.
Woodenshark requested $130,000 (£ 80,800) and has now raised $79,000 (£ 49,000 ).
The event will end on Friday, and if it succeeds, the first band will ship soon after the initial entry into the USS. and Europe.
There will be a batch of goods in China in the future.
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