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Researchers find no difference between kids raised by two moms and kids raised by mom and dad - best sex toys for couples

by:KISSTOY     2020-09-17
Researchers find no difference between kids raised by two moms and kids raised by mom and dad  -  best sex toys for couples
The children are no longer children.
They're still fine.
Children of the first generation of lesbian families
Now, it is young people who build their hands and bear children by donating sperm.
On Wednesday, the New England Journal of Medicine published a new finding from the first study to fully track the mental health trajectory of these children and compare it with the mental health trajectory of other American childrenS. households.
At the age of 25, the pioneers of these sexual minorities were the same as those reported when children aged 10 and 17 were assessed: they were good.
In the new survey, 77 of these "index offspring" were compared with typical American samplesS. 25-year-
Older persons whose gender, race or ethnic background matches the level of education.
Conclusion: lesbian children do not have more behavioral or emotional problems than children of their age.
Their relationship with family, friends, spouses or partners is equally valid.
They don't have more possibilities to diagnose or approach-
Compared to young adults, they are like them in all aspects, but their parents' sexual orientation.
When she started recruiting potential parents for the study in the 1980 s, Nanette Gartrell, the leading author of the new study, said, the findings of this study are as uncertain as the existence of the investigation in 1980s and 1970, the judges dealing with adoption and children's issues
Resettlement cases urgently require a solid study of the well
Children who grew up in such a family
But no one is willing to pay for a study that they certainly know will take decades to complete, she said.
With the development of 1980, the sperm bank began to relax the rules for future recipient families
Minded lesbians begin to build families without a partner of the opposite sex.
And, with a whole
Without institutional funding, Gartrell joined the study of the phenomenon.
"We know that the only way to capture longitudinal data is to capture it," said Gartrell, a distinguished scholar at the Williams Institute at UCLA Law School.
San Francisco, Boston and Washington, D. C. C.
Her team began recruiting lesbian families with children who were conceived through fertilization.
They eventually recruited 154 expectant mothers from 84 planned lesbian families.
Last fall, the youngest of the 77 "index offspring" who were still involved in the study was 25 years old.
Gartrell said the parents who were recruited into the study "created the family when they were worried about the child being taken away ".
Many of the people she came into contact with were too eager to participate, she said.
Now, "We have reached the point where we can answer some hypothetical questions --
"Based on decades of research into future generations," Gartrell said . ".
About 92% of the original families continue to provide services to researchers to enable them to detect the mental health of children at critical moments: Many mental illnesses after adulthood, the incidence of mental division, bipolar disorder and depression reached its peak.
If there is a difference in the mental health of these children, it will definitely appear here, Gartrell said. But it did not.
The conclusion of the study is "consistent"an]
Oregon University sociologist Ryan Light said: "The overwhelming scientific consensus is that the children of lesbian, bisexual and transgender families do not have children raised by heterosexual families on results related to mental and emotional health
Existence and education, among other things.
Andrew Cherlin, a sociologist at Johns Hopkins University, added that he studied the results of children in divorced families, a new study that "aligns with most other studies, showing that there is no difference between a child raised by a lesbian parent and a child raised differently --sex couples.
Since 91% of the study subjects were white and most were highly educated, "We need to learn more" about children with lower education levels and the same ethnic minorities --
Sex couples, added Cherlin.
But he believes the findings of the study are not shocking.
If the topic here is a more typical fare for the respected New England Journal of Medicine-say, a head --to-
Head comparison of the two drugs, or exploring the effects of suspicious environmental toxins on children
These new findings may give the manuscript a quick journey of rejection.
No statistical difference in measurement results? Never mind.
So why did NEJM put the most coveted publishing space in the field of research into a study to confirm the uncontested conclusions of the researchers?
Maybe it's because it's still controversial outside of their team.
Five years ago, in the Supreme Court of California
Hollingsworth v. sexual marriage
Perry, Judge Antonin Scalia, suggested that "there is considerable disagreement between sociologists on whether to" raise children in a month"
Sex family . . . . . . Is it harmful to children.
"Only three years have passed since the Supreme Court, in 5-
Decision 4, ruling the United StatesS.
The Constitution provides the same
The basic right of a sexual partner to marry.
One of the main questions to inform this decision is whether scientific research has reached a consensus on the situation of the same child
Price of sex couples
In fact, recently
Retired judge Anthony Kennedy, in the eyes of most people in landmark buildings --
Same-sex marriage case Obergefell V.
Hodges believes that if the same child
Because "there is no marriage provision that recognizes, is stable and predictable ,[these]
The children know that their family is a bit less shameful.
"The same behavior as the state ban
Same-sex marriage brings "the huge material cost of raising children by unmarried parents, which is not their own fault, but more difficult and uncertain family life," Kennedy added . ".
In short, Kennedy wrote, "the marriage law that is debated here has therefore hurt and humiliated the same child --sex couples.
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