Revealed: The suburbs buying the most sex toys - and the most popular adult device of all - egg sex toy for men

When it comes to sexual adventure, it seems that New South Wales is the favorite state to try.
According to a report from North Shore mom, the state accounts for nearly third of total sales of sex toys.
While new states can dominate overall numbers, Queensland has a slightly smaller population, ranking first in per capita sales.
In addition to announcing which states are buying sex toys in droves, the report also reveals which suburbs are the most beautiful and the results may surprise you.
Although the new state is the state that buys the most sex toys, statistics show that sex toys buyers in the metropolitan area of Sydney are the largest buyers of adult toys. themed fun.
The data shows that of all the toys purchased in New South Wales, 128,541 (kinds of products) were purchased by people on the North Shore, an alarming proportion.
Further tightening of the data shows which regions of the region are listed as the biggest buyers of adult entertainment, with Mosman's swish suburb at the top, accounting for almost 10 per cent of sales.
According to the population-to-purchase ratio, the data shows that Lane Cove is second only to Mosman, with 5 people. 8 per cent.
North Sydney, Willoughby and Ryder are third, fourth and fifth respectively, Ku-ring-
Guy, Hornsby and the North Beach take up the sixth, seventh and eighth attractions.
The data also shares what products on the north shore are squandering their cash.
Statistics from the Randy Fox survey show that women's entertainment products such as vibrators (especially Randy Rabbit 2) make up nearly third of all sales in the Greater North Shore region.
Male sex toys are also disclosed as best-selling items, of which 20 per cent of the sales figures are attributed to these items.
The 17-point lubricant, couples sex toys, and bound and paedophile items are ranked.
In addition to enjoying a more liberal attitude of using sex toys, people on the north shore seem to enjoy reveling in greedy sex encounters and crazy encounters.
Mothers on the North Shore took part in an annual survey of sexual and lively escapism they encountered while they were behind closed doors.
"When my husband and I got together for the first time, we both lived at home with our parents, so it was almost impossible to find a place to have sex," one lady wrote . ".
So we used to go to a cafe and there was a secluded disabled toilet nearby and put it on.
Another netizen said, "I have an affair.
Having sex with him is better, more interesting and more gracious.
My love and I are more confident in the bedroom than with my husband.