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Scientific accident leads to orgasmic outcome for women: Balloon gadget originally designed to stimulate pain helps women climax instead! - toy for women

by:KISSTOY     2019-07-07
Scientific accident leads to orgasmic outcome for women: Balloon gadget originally designed to stimulate pain helps women climax instead!  -  toy for women
A scientific accident brought pleasant results to women.
Researchers stumbled upon a sex toy that could help women reach their climax.
Although it was originally designed to produce the opposite effect.
The "vaginal pressure importer" was created to stimulate discomfort in the process of relieving pain in women.
Although there is no tempting name, a study found that balloon devices help to increase sexual arousal --
Unexpected results
It works only through the remote control and when plugged into the vagina, pressing the button fills up with water.
In a small trial of 42 women, Dutch researchers stumbled across the unexpected results of the toy.
The data showed that it was created to enable the research team to study the discomfort during sex life, which affected nearly three of the five women.
As we all know, menopause is more frequent due to lack of lubrication due to lower estrogen levels.
How is this study carried out?
In this strange study, these women were asked to watch pornographic and non-pornographic videossexual nature.
Volunteers have experienced sexual discomfort in the past and then inserted toys into the vagina.
Scientists inflate the gadget in another room.
But at any given moment, women have full control over their stress.
What did they find?
According to the International Business Times, researchers found that women allowed balloons to expand more when watching porn.
They even claim that they are more excited when watching porn with sex toys --
Not No.
However, the result is not repeatedsexual clips.
In this case, vaginal pressure inducers can still cause pain.
Experts at the University of Maastricht have found that the response of these women is complex, and some say it is not pleasant, while others call it "stimulus ".
Initially supporting device writing in The Journal of Sexual and Marital Therapy, they said: current findings suggest the importance of sexual stimulation for improving unpleasant thresholds and the pleasure of vaginal stress.
Explicit sexual stimulation enhances the pleasure of vaginal stress, while subjective arousal increases.
"The results of the study provide initial support for vaginal pressure inducers as a device for investigating various determinants of vaginal stress tolerance and pleasant assessment in the context of sexual arousal.
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Who can take over it remotely.
On last August, experts said that a new generation of Dill was vulnerable due to the connection with the Internet.
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