Scientists Will Zap Prisoners' Brains To Make Them Behave - massager

Researchers at the University of Huelva in Spain are about to start a study of the cranial direct-
Current Stimulation (tDCS)
The brain of violent criminals.
In a few days, more than a dozen convicted murderers will tie the electrodes to their brains, hoping to find a way.
After that, the subjects will donate some of their saliva and receive a questionnaire asking how much they feel about 1 to the extent of "putting" little shark "on your head"
"But before you begin to imagine turning their skull stuff into an, tDCS is actually more of a brain massager than a fryer, using very low DC current to" stimulate "the brain easily.
That's why tDCS become more and more popular later when people enter Sudoku and brain --
Training video games has become so popular that they can afford to serve them.
You can even buy your own tDCS kit for a few hundred dollars online.
It's harmless.
So, in fact, most scientists think you will get more measurable results.
Put the potatoes on your nipples.
But the experiment was carried out after a similar study at the University of Pennsylvania, 2018, which also used electricity to prisoners and had a tendency to violence against beaten prisoners ---
It really seems obvious if you say so.
In recent years, studies have also found that tDCS can have an impact on mental health, and a promising study has pointed out that it can mitigate-
Although it can also lead to treatment in rare cases.
Therefore, a vague prison experiment may lead to the carelessness of turning a convicted murderer into a dedicated, super-
If you ask us, it sounds like the risk is small and can lead to occasional gains.