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Older women, who are respected for their bedroom abilities in the film "graduates" and "American School", may not be more sensible in understanding the spread of HIV, according to a recent survey by the Journal of the American Society of geriatric medicine.
Researchers conducting face recognitionto-
In June 2001 and July 2002, more than 500 women aged 50 and over were interviewed.
Nine questions were raised to women to assess their knowledge of HIV transmission and prevention.
Topics include sexual intercourse of the opposite sex, kissing, oral sex, abstinence, condom, sperm nest, diaphragm, water pipes and a family of one wife.
Of the 9 questions about HIV transmission, 65% answered 4 or fewer questions correctly.
No one answered correctly.
For example, 84% of people correctly say that unprotected heterosexual behavior is mild --to high-
Risk activities for HIV transmission.
63% kissing was wrongly identified as a model of HIV transmission.
76% think oral sex is a way of spreading HIV.
Only 13% believe condoms are effective in preventing HIV transmission, while 18% believe condoms are simply ineffective.
44% of women mistakenly say abstinence is "not at all" or "a little effective" in preventing HIV transmission ".
According to the United States family planning Federation, condoms can protect both sides from sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV, during vaginal and anal intercourse.
HIV and the elderly: a catch22?
Lisa Bernstein, MD and lead researcher, said: "The misconception is that older people don't have sex anymore and they really don't engage in dangerous activities . " Assistant professor of medicine at Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta said at a press conference.
"As part of the risk of HIV for older women, most of it is based on their knowledge of HIV.
Unfortunately, this population is not the target of HIV prevention information because they are not considered at risk --
However, their risk may stem from their low knowledge.
"When asked how they got information about HIV transmission, 85% of women said they were from television, 54% said they were from friends, and 51% quoted newspapers.
But what is even more shocking is that only 38% said they had received information from health agencies about the spread of HIV --
Professional care.
Up to 10% of AIDS cases occur in adult women aged 50 and over.
Women in this age group are mainly infected by sexual intercourse.
"It is important to recognize that the sex life of these patients is still active.
The problem is they don't realize they're in danger in their lives.
The deadly disease "Bernstein.
Source: Henderson
Journal of the American Society of geriatric medicine, September 2004;
Volume 52: pp 1549-1553.
Press release from the American Association of geriatric medicine.
Dennis man, commented by Charlotte E.
Grayson, Maryland©Web md.