Sex education class gets too hands on | Adelaide Now -g-icon-error cloudy-day nav_small_right nav_small_right nav_small_right nav_small_right nav_small_right nav_small_right nav_small_right nav_small_right nav_small_right 0A0871E9-1636-49F4-9041-2E36E2BB5
Northwestern University of Chicago has hosted a reality show showing human sexuality.
The theme of the day is bondage, swing and other fetishes, however, after the formal class the students were told they could stay to show sex toys and female orgasms.
When about 100 students performed in the auditorium, a pair of pushy couples offered to perform.
Most people left to see the woman undress and her partner brought her to a climax with a device that looked like a machine --
Electric saw with a penis instead of a blade.
Justin Smith, a 21-year-old student, said that as soon as the demonstration began, a lot of people covered their mouths and said, "Oh, my God.
"Very quiet. . .
"I didn't really see people being offended, but they were already involved in the experience," he said . ".
25-year-old faith CroL said she planned to simply answer questions and show her sex toys, but decided to go live after the students watched a "ridiculous clinical" video
"One of the students asked me what my specific paedophile is, and my paedophile is in front of people and is being watched and used," she said . ".
John Michael Bailey, a professor of psychology, said, "I decided to say 'yes', which reflects that I cannot find a reasonable reason why students cannot watch such a presentation ".
The university defended the risque exhibition.
In defending the exhibition, the university said it "supports the efforts of its faculty to promote knowledge progress ".