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Sex shop employees fight off armed robber by throwing dildos at him - masturbation toys

by:KISSTOY     2020-11-11
Sex shop employees fight off armed robber by throwing dildos at him  -  masturbation toys
On Wednesday night, an armed man walked into a sex toys and underwear store in San Bernardino, California, trying to rob the cash register behind the sales counter when the workers closed.
The robber's plan was quickly foiled as the two makeup and lace employees released a string of flying false penis and masturbation toys to the suspect.
"He came in with a gun.
An employee told ABC 7 that I just thought he was trying to be funny and scare us. ".
"But then I saw the gun, really?
I don't have time to do this.
When the suspect caught her, her colleague began throwing at the man with a rubber toy until he retreated.
The man left the store without taking away any stolen items.
"I think he is a coward," admitted another worker . ".
"Come in and try to beat two women without realizing we are active.
Police are still looking for suspects and are analyzing security footage of the incident.
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