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Sex toy an international success story for Ottawa couple - how to use a vibrator

by:KISSTOY     2020-02-13
Sex toy an international success story for Ottawa couple  -  how to use a vibrator
This is a hot sex toy. rated roots.
Bruce murson was fired in 2003.
Technical work now
Telecom company bankruptcy
He is working on a vibrator that a couple can use together.
One day, when he and his wife, Melodie, a former employee of Nortel, were brainstorming possible inventions, the concept was born.
They made a joke about making a sex toy, but the idea persisted.
Melody said, then they asked themselves a question, "Is there anything [there]a couple]can share?
They believe they have found an untapped market.
Including visits to adult novelty shops.
"I remember the first sex toy store I pulled Melody.
We 've never been there once before we started this effort, so there's definitely a learning curve, "explained Bruce.
He also conducted a survey in downtown Ottawa to find out which womenExcept for Melodywanted.
"I did everything," Bruce said . ".
Including "well-dressed Government Women's opinions ".
Bruce added, "the melody at the time was worried that the neighbors would see me and recognize me.
"What will the neighbors think?
Not sure how their neighbors would react, murenses kept silent about what Bruce did in the basement.
Only their two daughters know. their six-year-
The old son is too young to understand.
It took Bruce a few years to get it right: discard many prototypes, micro motors, fine
Adjust the electronic device, "find a shape that fits the human body and does not interfere with normal sex.
"His final product: a small C-
A shape vibrator that couples can enjoy at the same time.
The villagers named it We-Vibe.
With no money, the couple mortgaged their house and took out three credits.
When they were finally ready to bring the equipment to market, Bruce said, "there was a magnificent moment when we said, 'OK, after that we either had to sell 10,000
From now until now, or we are going bankrupt.
The couple's goal actually doubled, selling 20,000 units in just three months in 2008.
This is the endorsement of celebrity sex experts.
From Sue Johnson, Canada.
Dr. Laura BermanOz Show—
It is a huge boost for business.
Oprah also mentioned this.
Com is in a clip called the introduction guide to Erotica.
The toy was even added to the Oscar gift bag in 2009.
Murisons's neighbors finally discovered their secrets, but the couple had no reason to worry.
Some people want free samples and some people send flowers.
"There must be a lot of pride in hometown," says Melody . ".
The couple had only one paid employee to start their business at home.
Now there are 43 of their companies, Standard Innovation. time staff. Millions of We-
Vibes has been sold worldwide and there are now more than eight variants of the product.
The project has also won more than 20 international awards.
Recent: We-the best sex toys for couples
At the sexual health fair in Los Angeles last month, Vibe 4 Plus.
4-the latest US-
Vibe model-can be controlled using a mobile app that allows a partner to operate a toy a few miles away.
Customer satisfaction Bruce attributed the success of the toy to the fact that it was a small, non-
A device of intimidation that "does not alienate or replace this person.
It makes sex better for both sides.
So I don't think men will be threatened by the penis.
Tina McKeown tried We for the first time-
With a boyfriend, agree.
This is his first toy.
"When it comes to this, men are a little shy," she said . " She added that her boyfriend was passionate about us --
Vibe 3 including remote control.
"You know men like remote control," she said . "
"This definitely enhances the sexual experience.
"Although they can't disclose the details yet, murisons's company is developing more We-Atmosphere changes.
"This is a kind of never before.
"The process of improvement is over," Bruce said . ".
The couple had no sense of shame, but were proud of what they were able to achieve.
Many women want to shake hands with him [to]
"Thank you," said Melody.
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