Sex-toy company loses 'innovation' award after tech show's organizers have second thoughts - vibrating sex toys for men
An Oregon-
The company focused on robotic toys won the Las Vegas Consumer Electronics Show Award-
Because the organizers of the program thought the product was "immoral, obscene, indecent (and) blasphemy", it was only taken back.
Lora DiCarlo, based in Bend, won the program's Innovation Award for its product "ose", which the company calls "micro"
Robotic techniques that mimic all the feelings of the human mouth, tongue and fingers make you feel like a real partner.
But TechCrunch reported that the award was recovered by CESorganizer resc, the Consumer Technology Association, a few weeks later.
It is reported that CTA informed Lora DiCarlo on Halloween that its products "considered by CTA to be immoral, obscene, indecent, profane, or images that do not meet CTA will be disqualified, "Reports from Oregon.
Click here to get Lora haddock, CEO of Fox News app, accusing CES of "double
It is standard in terms of sex and sexual health, "he argued, arguing that the program allows men to use sex products, but does not allow women to use sex products.
CTA deputy general counsel Carla Mather acknowledged DiCarlo's frustration, but affirmed the product's non-conformity, "even if your submission was wrongly allowed in the first instance.
"We made a mistake and we sincerely apologize for our negligence," Maser wrote . ".
The exchange opened on Monday evening, October on the 2019 International Exchange.
The tech news agency, which reported the controversy, pointed out that in the past trade shows, sexy exhibits appeared without exception.