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Sex toy tangle: B.C. man sues ex to get vibrator back - magic wand vibrator

by:KISSTOY     2019-10-31
Sex toy tangle: B.C. man sues ex to get vibrator back  -  magic wand vibrator
It is known as "vibrator Cadillac" and "mother of all vibrators," and "since it was introduced into North America as a private massager in the 1960 s, it has been used for numerous studies on female sexuality.
Therefore, it may not be surprising that the Hitachi wand dispute ended recently in a civil settlement Court (CRT).
A court member ordered B this week. C.
The woman returned a vibrator to her ex.
Boyfriend after the recent break-up
She also had to give up the two down pillows he bought while staying at her house for the night.
Under Canadian law, this decision depends on whether the wand and pillow are considered gifts, valued at approximately $300.
You can't expect a full refund for a disappointing beach getawayC.
The rules of the tribunal need to have three elements that satisfy the definition of the law: the intention given.
Delivery of items.
And accept the project.
It is the responsibility of the person receiving the item to prove that it is a gift.
The vibrator is not A "gender specific project" in the case of A. B. In the case of A disputed vibrator"C.
Last fall, the man bought it and arranged to send it to his home at the time
Girlfriend, according to the decision.
"The wand was never a gift, the applicant said.
"He provided evidence of text messages, both calling the wand 'his', and the defendant requested permission from the applicant before using the wand," one court member wrote . ". The ex-
The girlfriend argued that she only requested permission as a role --
Have fun, but it's not enough to prove that the vibrator is a gift.
First, she also said that the former couple initially pretended that the massager was not a gift because she was "weird" about accepting the gift ".
"I find this to indicate that she may not have accepted it as a gift despite her possession of the wand.
"Similarly, gifts that are legal and valid need to be accepted," court members wrote . ". And the ex-
Instead of providing any direct evidence that the vibrator was a gift, the girlfriend argued that the wand was used by women rather than men.
However, the CRT's decision said: "The evidence does not prove that the wand is a gender-specific item . ".
When the wedding went wrong: 6 sad stories from BC.
CourtsAs with Down pillow, front
The boyfriend told the court that he spent the night in court every other weekend, but only because he could not use the woman's synthetic pillow.
She did not provide evidence that they were presented as gifts.
Due to Monday's decision
The girlfriend will have 30 days to return the wand and pillow by registered mail or courier.
She also needs to pay $125 in court fees.
CRT is an online court that hears small claims disputes at a cost of $5,000 and strata property disputes and vehicle injury disputes up to $50,000.
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