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Sex Toys 101 and Other Lessons From Yale Sex Week - vibrating anal sex toys

by:KISSTOY     2019-12-29
Sex Toys 101 and Other Lessons From Yale Sex Week  -  vibrating anal sex toys
New Haven from Kang en
-Yale students are used to direct competition.
A will compete for triple X this weekend as they will compete for porn --star look-alike contest.
It's time for another year: the return of controversial Sex Week at Ivy League schools.
During the 8-day programming process, students can learn everything from how to achieve a state other than happiness to the proper application of personal lubricants.
Once mom and dad paid $45,000 for accommodation, meals and tuition, it was all free.
Still, some say sex week has no place in the classroom.
Jack McGuire, a sophomore, said: "I don't think college students need to talk about sex as they do now . ", He has been writing stories about these events for the school's conservative Yale free newspaper.
"Call Me Grumpy but I find the habit of waking up every day is to have a cup of coffee, a cigarette and a copy of YD" N "(Yale Daily) I was a little upset when a smiling freshman stared at me from the front page with a bunch of anal beads, "blogger Will Wilson wrote on the Yale Free Press blog.
Click here to read the blog.
In 2004, the two-year event won the campus anger award for the university network.
Now, in the fourth incarnation of Yale 2008, sex week includes a lecture by the VH1 host
"Up Artist" and the one mentioned earlier
Campus "skull and bone" parties where adults will judge them based on the degree of similarity of students dressed as porn stars --film director.
Click here to see sex week on the Yale website.
Wilson mentioned an event earlier in the week when students packed the auditorium in the strong winds of Tuesday night for the latest sex --toy technology.
"Do you want to see these?
"Patti Brison, the CEO of sex
At a seminar on sex last week, toy company Pure Romance asked the crowd --
Toy technology, motioned on a podium filled with various creams, creams and bedroom gadgets.
She said loudly, "Yes. Ohio, Brisbane
Yale-based companies sponsored sex show week.
On Tuesday, she called on student volunteers to keep the products she showed them.
Later that night, a girl
In addition to the cocktail party held at the New Haven Bar, the attendees listened while Brisben showed the vibrating sponge and other toys.
Brisben said: "If you teach your children what you think is the right morality in life, I don't think it will corrupt them just by having sex for a week, she goes to more than a dozen universities every year to give a speech.
"It will give them more knowledge.
But McGuire said it had tarnished the reputation of "Yale" this week and they came to school to become leaders.
McGuire said: "I told my family the other night that my dad gave me 'Oh, I pay $50,000 a year for Sex Week, he plans to fight the week with some of his friends.
However, the organizers say Sex Week provides a creative forum to discuss the topic.
Discuss pornography with adult stars Ron Jeremy, Monique Alexander, and Craig Gross, founder of XXXchurch.
Com, and a lecture on sex and spirituality, which includes the abstinence advocate Dawn Eden, is expected to attract crowds.
A screening campaign for sexually transmitted diseases was launched this week.
"What we want to do is let people talk," said Victoria Wilder, a senior.
Yale Magazine's partner week offers advice on making your dorm a college love pad.
It also has articles about hooking up, parents being students, and interviews with the founders of the Harvard abstinence group.
On Tuesday, students on the old campus squeezed down the aisle under the Tiffany glass window, showing the image of "purity", "faith" and "hope" in the window, but appropriate enough, instead of "sexologist Logan Levkov's lecture on female orgasm.
"Especially now, many people have come out of abstinence --
All they get is education. to-
Without information about sex, they find themselves in a world where they are now making decisions about their bodies and have no resources, and these events are really great, levkov said after the lecture.
Joe Citarrella, a senior and director of Sex Week 2008, said the group chose speakers who would incite and educate.
"If students are going to have sex, we want them to be educated about sex, relationships, love and intimacy," he said . ".
"We want them to be safe and healthy in terms of sex.
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