Sex toys and new condoms boost Durex - vibrating ring
The introduction of sex toys and new condoms has led to a record 10 per cent increase in sales of Durex.
SSL, which owns the Durex brand, promised to grow further yesterday as it launched a new range of male sex aids that will be available in Tesco and Boots.
The Durex Play brand's range of vibrators and lubricants accounted for half of the sales growth reported yesterday.
Durex's income is 77.
For the six months ended September 30, 1 m.
Boots decided to reserve a new £ 5.
The 99 men's vibration ring represents an important U-
Turn to the street chain.
At the beginning of this year, worried about a rebound in conservatives, it withdrew from the negotiations to launch the Durex series vibrator.
The series was eventually launched by Super drugs.
Gary Watts, SSL's chief executive, said he had no problems getting Boots and others to store vibration rings.
He said: "As we have always believed, such products are gradually being recognized by the market . "
"It's by no means a question of imposing them on the public, but rather getting them to start and get them to find their place.
Tesco insisted on a one-time ring yesterday
This lasted for 20 minutes, and there was a small vibration pad to enhance the pleasure of women in having sex --
Not sex toys, but part of the range of health and family planning.
SSL claims that Durex's global market share has risen after strong growth in the US and Eastern Europe, thanks to the introduction of innovative condoms such as Pleasuremax, which is a rib, tingling, this is a feeling of tingling with a lubricant applied.
SSL, which owns the Scholl footwear and foot care brand, reported a medium-term profit of £ 17. 3 m from 105m in the half-
By September 30, 2004.