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Sex toys are just toys — for big people - sex toys for anal sex

by:KISSTOY     2020-03-31
Sex toys are just toys — for big people  -  sex toys for anal sex
I grew up in a conservative religious family, so I think sex should be preserved for marriage.
Recently, I met a woman of my dreams and proposed to her.
One night, after I asked the question, we had a bottle of wine in her apartment and she probably drank too much.
All of a sudden she said she wanted to show me something and ran into her bedroom and took out six or seven "sex toys" out.
"I don't know what they are, but she explains that they are the vibrators and other devices she uses to please herself.
I was shocked and blurted out: "Well, you don't need these after we get married.
"Of course I will," she said with a smile . "
They are fun and I need more sex than you do.
"I don't know what to do.
Is there any problem with a woman, especially a married woman, using this kind of thing?
A: sex toys, that's just toys,for big people.
There is nothing morally wrong with using them.
They can be fun, adding diversity and excitement to sexual relationships, and even sexual solitaire.
When the Beach Boys sang "I'm recovering good vibrations and she gives me excitement" they knew what they were talking about.
Like other toys, the problem is how they are used. Suppose your 5-year-old son (
Okay, you're a virgin.
Use your imagination)
A friend came over to play.
If your child shares his toys, the two of them laugh
On a full afternoon, you are a happy father.
But if your child is sitting alone, hoarding toys, refusing to share, and the child without toys is suffering, you have a problem.
So your fiancee has sex toys.
Why shouldn't she?
But her comments about the need for more sex worries me.
Is she going to share her toys and intimacy with you after marriage?
Or does she think you're another big vibrator added to her sex toy box that only opens when needed?
You have to make this clear.
Maybe not just chatting.
I don't understand conservative religion at all, so I don't know where "virginity" starts and where it ends. Tongue-
It's obviously no problem to kiss less, and penetration is no problem.
But I'm no longer sure where the lines are between these bars.
But I do want to know if you need to play a little bit together before you go deep, try some fun sex games and take risks with or without toys.
Find the sentence that defines virginity
Lost, closer to it than you used.
While her comments insult you, your taste and expectations for sex seem completely different.
She sounds sexy when you sound nervous
Share price and fear.
No criticism, but I think you need more game time to see if you can work together on this important thing.
If not, when you sit in the living room, watch the gospel of joy hour on TV, sullen, she spends a lot of nights vibrating alone in the bedroom.
This is a bad way to start a marriage.
Take your question toethical @ Rogers. com.
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