Sex toys in National Pharmacies' mother's day catalogue | Adelaide Now -g-icon-error cloudy-day nav_small_right nav_small_right nav_small_right nav_small_right nav_small_right nav_small_right nav_small_right nav_small_right nav_small_right 0A0871E9-1636-4
One of the state's largest chain pharmacies has attracted attention by advertising sex toys as a gift for Mother's Day.
Next to perfume and cosmetics
In the Mother's Day catalogue of the national pharmaceutical company, there is a series of "g-
A supplement that claims to be a spring medicine, called a "spotted massager" and a vibrator, as well as a horny goat weed.
A mother from Adelaide was surprised to see the products on the catalogue listed as a Mother's Day gift.
"As a mother, I prefer some hands --
Mother said: "Mother's Day picked flowers from my children . " She wants to remain anonymous.
Terri Kelleher, a spokeswoman for the Australian Family Association, said that a pharmacy would purchase and advertise the products, and she was "very surprised ".
"I really think it's irresponsible," she said . ".
The National Pharmacy has not called back since yesterday.
The advertisement does not violate the ethics of the National Association of advertisers of Australia.