Sex toys? ISIS? It’s easy to see how CNN got mixed up: Menon - sex toys for anal sex

There are many things in this world that look very similar.
Google searches for the last seven words and soon you'll click on the jokey list titled "25 funny things that look exactly the same.
Justin Timberlake's hair is a bag of ramen.
Nicki Minaj is the dead bell of a troll doll.
Like Putin's dog, screaming Hitler's cat.
Of course, just because two things look the same doesn't mean they are the same.
Perception, context, and common sense help us navigate the world and prevent hungry college students from accidentally boiling the head of Timberlake.
If you are in the Atacama Desert and see a large green object with a prominent needle, it is most likely that this is a cactus, not the Incredible Hulk that receives acupuncture.
So the short answer to this question today is: "Because they don't use perception, context, and common sense.
The question is: "How exactly did CNN mistake the sex toy flag for the ISIS flag?
This happened on Saturday when two graphics flashed across the screen suddenly, with a "exclusive" in the top right corner and a "just entered" below ".
The third picture shows: "The ISIS flag was found in the gay pride parade.
Anchor Suzanne malvieux warned the audience of "disturbing scenes" in London ".
The International editor, Lucy palble, then called in with witness testimony.
"Yes, I just got off work and I met the gay pride parade, this is the annual event in London and thousands of people marched in London," said Pawle, as if explaining the laminate floor to carpenters
"It was a very pleasant, relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, a very happy atmosphere. ”Note the set-
This is an optimistic event, but something evil may happen.
Pawle continued, telling Malveaux that she was trying to cross Regent Street. when . . . “ . . .
All of a sudden, this person is very different from others --
He was dressed in black and white, and everyone else was bright --
The man in black and white brandished a very bad-looking imitation, but apparently tried to mimic the ISIS flag.
At this point, some ideas
There should be bubbles in CNN's studio.
Producers may wonder why ISIS, the terrorist group that believes homosexuality will be put to death, is flying the banner of gay pride.
Isn't this the badge of Amnesty International seen at all pagan rallies?
The producer may have listened to what Pawle said as well, including "I seem to be the only one to find this," No one seems to ask any questions "and" If you look closely at the flag, it's obviously not Arabic --
In fact, it may seem unacceptable.
"Yes, it must be. Gobbledygook.
So not only has ISIS changed its brutal stance on homosexuality, it has now decided to communicate in gibberish.
This is ISIS's new stand on Western music: "If you listen to Lady Gaga, we will give you a lot of goats.
Not only did CNN spend nearly seven minutes on this asinine "exclusive" show, but it also called on security analyst Peter Bergen.
You know, in case he knows the confidential documents about how ISIS plans to seduce the world with new ones
AIDS in tolerance and marriage promotion was found.
I could almost imagine the poor guy squinting at his monitor and thinking, "I believe those are vibrators, George. ”Now, look.
We all make mistakes.
Two things may have happened recently.
S. Supreme Court legalizes same-sex marriageS.
And a series of unrelated international terrorist attacks.
Somehow, the chaos at CNN has led to a temporary madness.
But the struggling cable network also has the potential to be the victim of its alarmist instincts, and is anxious to believe the obvious incredible news.
In its constant pursuit of "exclusive journalism", it passionately scares the audience with irresponsible haste and provides a rotten sundae that exudes delicious stupidity.
ISIS will never March with pride in homosexuality.
Sometimes sex toys are just sex toys.
Any further investigation will only cause a stir on live television. vmenon@thestar.