Sex toys may pose health risk, says Liberal MP - sex toys canada
Hey, time traveler!
This article is published in 18/12/09 (3452 days ago)
Therefore, the information in it may no longer be up to date.
Liberal MP Carolyn Bennett sent a letter to Leona Aglukkaq this week outlining health issues related to the use of biphenol a and neighboring benzene ester --
Soft and soft plasticin adult toys.
"We do regulate children's toys, so it seems appropriate that we regulate adult toys," said Bennett . ".
Hormone disruptors BPA, labeled toxic by the federal government, can lead to early puberty, reproductive damage, and lead to prostate cancer and breast cancer in adulthood.
Use in baby bottles is prohibited in 2008.
A doctor, Bennett, wrote the letter after the owner of Toronto found her. based sex-
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Friendly sex toys found it difficult to find a replacement.
"It can be a bit uncomfortable at times when people discuss these things in this area,. . . people (need to)
Think of this as a consumer.
Safety and Education . "
The global toy industry is worth $15 billion a year. —