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Sexpert Q & A: Not-So-Sexy "Sex Toys" - vibrating sex toys for men

by:KISSTOY     2019-08-21
Sexpert Q & A: Not-So-Sexy \
Dear Yvonne, what else do people use in addition to sex toys to get themselves to orgasm?
I want some ideas! -
Danni dear Danny, while many people use sex toys when masturbating, when it comes to those "convenient" items found around the house, some are more creative than others.
Portland mercuryreport reported in its annual gender survey that respondents used the following methods in self-surveys
Warm cantaloupe, a crust, a condom
Cover cucumbers, salami, their sister's panties, Pistons, Bologna, vibrating pen, raw beef Frank, James Bond VHS tape, beer comfort, carrots, GI Joe, a leather glove, A spa jet, the handle of a safety razor, Hello Kitty, and a vibrating toothbrush
No matter what you use, make sure it is clean and will not cause you harm, for example, it is not made of glass and will not cause debris, and/or will not leave an annoying residue in your hole and will not fall off in the hole. Dr.
Yvonne Christine Fulbright is the founder of Sex Educators, relationship experts, columnists, and sexual resources.
She is the author of several books, including touching me there! A Hands-
Guide to hot spots at your climax.
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