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Sexual behaviour and risk reduction strategies among a multinational sample of women who have sex with women - new sex toys for women

by:KISSTOY     2019-07-24
Sexual behaviour and risk reduction strategies among a multinational sample of women who have sex with women  -  new sex toys for women
Abstract objective to develop safer sexual advice for women who have sex with women (WSW)
Given the limited knowledge of sexual behaviour among women, this remains a challenge.
The aim of this study was to investigate the sex profile of WSW and the safer methods of sexual behavior they use to reduce the likelihood of sexually transmitted infections.
Methods a global distribution of an online survey of women who have desires, appeal or have previously had sex with women. Women (N=3116)
At least one-time behaviour with women occurred the previous year and people currently living in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada or Australia were included in this study.
The problem is based on projects previously verified in national representative studies.
The outcome participants showed that there was a variety of sexual behaviors and that most women reported a history of genital friction (99. 8%)
Vaginal fingering (99. 2%)
Genital cutting (90. 8%), cunnilingus (98. 8%)
Use of vibrator (74. 1%).
Barriers to minority reporting (
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