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Sexually transmitted infections double in the UK - anal sex toys for men

by:KISSTOY     2019-09-27
Sexually transmitted infections double in the UK  -  anal sex toys for men
Infection transmitted by Gaia (STI)
According to a national survey on sexual attitudes and lifestyles released on Friday, in the UK, although condom usage is higher, it has more than doubled in the past five years.
The Medical Research Board's survey of 11,000 people aged between 16 and 44 found that one out of every 10 adults had sexually transmitted infections.
Chlamydia is the most common, especially among women in the UK, and it is the main cause of infertility.
The authors argue that the alarming increase in the number of infections is due to the fact that people have more sexual partners and that up to 25 people are not using condoms properly.
The latter factor may explain why, although the percentage of people with large numbers of partners using condoms is particularly high, the use of condoms is still rising.
One of the authors of the report, Anne Johnson, from University College London, said & Cologne;
"People get married late, so there are more partners.
Our findings show more gay activity, more people spending money on sex, more oral sex and anal sex.
"She added.
"We have to be realistic about the sexual behavior in our society and not bury our heads in the sand.
"The important factors that affect personal sexuality are age, gender and place of residence.
For example, the incidence of chlamydia is even quite high throughout the UK, about.
In contrast, the proportion of gonoseria is particularly high in cities.
Kevin Fenton, another author from University College London and the UK Public Health Laboratory, explained: "gonoseria is a very fragile creature that requires a high degree of partner change to spread.
Because of large gay communities and prostitution, partners in cities like London have changed a lot-one out of every 11 men pays for sex in London.
The rise in sexually transmitted infections reflects global growth, in part because of what is known as "safety-
"Sexual fatigue", people turn a blind eye to health information.
The general increase in travel has exacerbated this situation, which has led to the global spread of new viruses.
"Every summer when people come back from vacation, we see a surge in sexually transmitted infections," Fenton told New Scientist . ".
But Mr Fenton says British immigrants from sub
In sub-Saharan Africa, where sexually transmitted infections are particularly prevalent, sexually transmitted infections are unlikely to increase-they are more than twice as likely to use condoms during their sexual lives as the former.
The authors of the report agree that the best way to reduce sexually transmitted infections is through better education and wider screening, especially for men.
"Sexual Health must now go beyond GUM clinics to other settings such as primary care.
"Every GP should be able to document the sexual experience and show how to use a condom," said Fenton . ".
"Although men make up half of the total population, the excuse that men are a group that is hard to reach must be challenged," he added . ".
Journal references and colons; The Lancet (
Volume 358, page 1828, Page 1835, page 1843, page 1851)
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