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Should Prostitution Be a Crime? - kinky sex toys

by:KISSTOY     2020-10-11
On last November, Meg Muños traveled to Los Angeles to deliver a speech at the Amnesty International West Coast annual meeting.
She's nervous.
Three months ago, at a meeting attended by some 500 delegates from 80 countries, Amnesty International voted to adopt a proposal, the approval of "The conduct of sexual work agreed by both parties has completely triggered a storm of controversy.
Members of the Norwegian and Swedish human rights organizations collectively resigned, saying that the organization's goal should be to end the need for prostitution rather than forgive it.
On social media and media around the world, opponents slammed Amnesty.
In Los Angeles, protesters surrounded the lobby of the Sheraton Hotel where the meeting was taking place, and when Muños tried to enter, a woman clashed with her, Muños explained, as a former sex worker, she supported Amnesty International's position.
"She agreed to respect my time on the microphone," Muños told me . ".
"This did not happen "-
The Lady and other critics shouted during her group discussion.
"But I understand why it's so hard for her.
"Muños is fighting fiercely about the terms and even meanings of sex work.
In the United States and around the world, many sex workers (
Activists prefer the word "prostitute)
They are trying to change how people see them and how they are regulated.
They are struggling with the status quo of the law, social customs, and mainstream feminism, which often focuses on saving women from sexual transactions rather than supporting sex workers who demand greater rights.
But in the past decade, sex
Workers gained new allies.
If the Amnesty International committee approves a final policy in favor of non-criminal crimes next month, it will work with the public --
Who has worked successfully with groups of sex workers over the years to stop the spread of HI. V.
Especially in developing countries.
"The urgency of H. I. V.
"The epidemic really blew up a lot of taboos," said Amnesty policy advisor Catherine Murphy . ".
43-year-old Muños is wearing a white shirt with lace, glasses and brown straight hair, and on stage, she looks calm as she leans against her microphone to tell her story
She started escorting after graduating from Los Angeles County High School at the age of 18, picking up men several times a week at the dance club and closing a sex deal at a hotel or apartment for about $100. She had a part-
As a hostess of the restaurant, she has time to work, but she likes to feel eager and make money on clothes and entertainment.
"I really, really like the work," she told more than 100 Amnesty viewers.
"I'm a little reckless.
The same recklessness caused her to take meth.
When her parents found out she was taking drugs, they sent her to the rehab center.
She stopped escorting and taking drugs and found a serious boyfriend.
When she was 24, the relationship ended and her parents sold their house about that time.
Muños began to live alone for the first time.
With rent and car insurance, and plans to save money for college, escort became her livelihood.
"I'm moving towards a goal and sex work has helped me do it," Muños told the crowd . ".
A few years later, however, another former
Her boyfriend, who is also close to her, began to take advantage of the underground nature of Muños's work.
At first she told me that he asked her to pay for it and asked her to get it back after his car was towed away.
Then, when she was working, he started asking for more money and dictating which clients she saw.
Muños does not look like a victim of human trafficking;
She drove her own car, went to school and paid for it.
But looking back, she said she saw herself like this.
"Because the work I did was illegal, he started to hold it on my head.
He threatened to threaten me by telling everyone, including my family.
"The man was violent and Muños was relieved with the help of her later married friend.
Controlled by her predecessor.
Her boyfriend put pressure on her and she built a small faith in 2009 --
An organization based in Orange County called Abeni helped other women get rid of prostitution, as she did.
A few years later, Muños, who now has four children, began to let herself remember a period of her early life, and the escort provided her with good service as a source of income, even stability.
She said that while struggling internally, she encountered a "crisis of conscience" and began to regret her assumption that what must be the best for Abeni's clients.
She stopped accepting new jobs and then turned Abeni into one of the few groups in the country to help people leave sex work or continue to work safely.
At the Amnesty conference, Muños told the crowd that she believed that by moving sex transactions out of the ground, non-criminal crimes were good for many.
"I believe in capable sex workers," she said . ". “I was one.
But authorized sex workers do not represent most sex workers. It’s O. K.
This is honest for us.
She refers to social and economic differences in the industry.
Of aspects of positive molecular
Workers' movements are often educated and earn hundreds of dollars an hour.
They often use words to describe themselves.
Sexy masseur, prostitute, Sugar Baby, prostitute, witch, abnormal-can be self-
Half of consciousnesswicked.
Some of their concerns seem to be far from those women who think they have to sell sex in order to survive --
For example, a mother who tried to collect the rent, or a teenager who ran away from home.
In this case, people often do not call themselves "sex workers" and do not consider themselves part of the movement.
"It's not something that people we work with will talk about," said Deon Haywood, a visionary female director in New Orleans, Africa.
American health group working with low
Female and transgender clients.
Some of them sell sex because it's more flexible and more expensive than low prices, says Haywood
Wages and jobs in companies like McDonald's.
Human rights advocates tend to focus on people in critical situations.
"Like many feminists, I am conflicted about sexual work," said Liesl gernthotz, executive director of the human rights watch women's rights division, which supported non-criminal crimes four years ago.
"What you often say is that there are very limited choices for women.
Do I want to live in a world where no one does sex work? Absolutely.
But this is not the case.
So I want to live in a world where women are basically voluntary and safe.
If they are raped by police or clients, they can make charges and know that this will be investigated.
Their children will not be expelled from school and the landlord will not kick them out.
Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, as well as other groups that support impunityU. N.
AIDS, the World Health Organization, the Global Commission on AIDS prevention and controlI. V.
Foundation for Law and open society
Acknowledging that the sex industry can cause serious harm, but says they see changes in the law as a prerequisite for reducing those injuries.
Last year, an analysis of The Lancet predicted that "The non-criminal crime of sexual work may be against H. I. V.
By increasing access to condoms and medical care.
The government is free to fight human trafficking and underpopulation
Human rights advocates believe that age prostitution should they stop arresting agreed adults.
This is a pragmatic debate. But the sex-
The movement of workers also depends on ideological beliefs.
It is considered that the criminal law should not be used here as a tool for punishment or humiliation, since sexual work is not, in essence, immoral or belittled.
It can even be a real feminist.
"Once you 've done this, you always know: At the end of the day, I have everything I need to survive," said Anna Sani, a former sex worker who is now a sex worker
Workers activists and law students living in Brooklyn.
"It's powerful.
"This view poses a profound challenge to traditional Western feminism, which sees the commercial pornography industry as an ugly source of gender inequality.
The activists themselves are a group of grumpy people.
They belong to a variety of small, sometimes competing groups that question each other's sincerity on social media and on a blog called Tits and Sass.
Women who openly advocate non-criminal crimes are often white.
Women of Color say it is difficult for them to attract the audience;
They also don't want white women to talk for them.
Similar objections were raised by transgender women.
"Don't tell my story in support of cis women's story," Black, transgender Monica Jones warned me.
She did sex work without concern to help pay for her social tuition
Work degree at Arizona State University.
"If you want to be with me, you will pay me or buy me a ring," she said frankly about her partner . ".
Two years ago, she went to the bar by car with a man and was convicted of prostitution;
When she questioned her conviction, her case became a cause, and she said she just went out for a beer that night and won the appeal.
Some of those who oppose the crime of non-punishment have called themselves slaves and consciously called for the end of slavery and the struggle for equality.
"If prostitution is legal and men can buy women's bodies with impunity, it is the extreme sexual influence of women," said Yasmeen Hassan, executive director of the global equality organization, A women's rights organization to combat human trafficking.
"They are sex objects.
What does this mean for the image of professional women?
If a woman is a sex toy you can buy, think about the impact on a relationship, marriage, or whatever.
"The United States has some of the world's most comprehensive laws against prostitution, and more than 55,000 people are arrested every year, more than two --
Women were involved.
Women of color are at higher risk of being arrested. (
In New York City, 85% of those arrested were them. )
The same is true of transgender women, who are more likely to engage in sexual work because of employment discrimination.
The traces of criminal records will make it harder for you to find other jobs.
Five years ago, 700 people, many of them women of color and trans-gender, were included in the list of sexual partners.
A criminal Registry equivalent to the offence of prostitution.
Women in Vision, a Deon Haywood group, won a lawsuit in 2013 to remove them.
They are often opposed to the arrest of these women because they consider them victims.
But they want to continue using the criminal law as a weapon of moral disapproval to sue male customers with pimps and human traffickers --
Although this approach still tends to entangle sex workers in legal networks.
In last July, the Coalition Against Trafficking in Women, which abolished the death penalty, accused Amnesty International of supporting the "gender segregation system", some of which were "consumed separately by men ", letters from 400 signatories including Gloria strenham, Lena dunnham, Kate Winslet and Meryl Streep.
Anna Sainey's sex in Brooklyn
Workers' activists have changed from feeling betrayed by celebrities to feeling victorious.
"They threw all these names and names to us and Amnesty International is still doing the right thing," she said . ".
"Very exciting.
Liesl gernthotz of Human Rights Watch says the struggle has become "the most controversial and controversial issue in today's women's movement.
"The sales front between American feminists has been drawn in the 1970 s.
On the one hand, there are radical feminists like writer Andrea devowkin and lawyer and legal scholar Catherine McKinnon.
They were early slaves who condemned prostitution and pornography and sexual violence as the deadliest and most powerful source of women's oppression.
Dworkin wrote: "I am trying to express a protest against a force that is deadly to you, fist and penis to keep you quiet, "She briefly sold sex products at the age of 19, when she ran out of money to travel to Europe.
Other feminists who claim to be "sexually active" believe that sex workers are subversive, not victims, of the patriarchal system.
Mother's Day 1973, a 35-year-
The old call girl named Margo St.
James set up a group in San Francisco called "coyote" because "Cancel Your Old Tired Ethics.
"As a feminist act, it aims to legalize prostitution.
During its heyday, Coyotes threw the annual prostitute ball, where the transvestite Queens and celebrities were mixed up with politicians and police.
This is a party: in 1978, the crowd of 20,000 people was packed with the cattle Palace and the Holy Spirit of the city.
James went in on an elephant.
By the age of over 1980, with the support of Gloria strenham, dwoking's argument to condemn prostitution entered the mainstream of feminism, and Gloria strenham began to reject"” St.
James and sex
The experimenters were downgraded to the edge.
In the 1990 generation, the abolition began to combat global labor trafficking, with a focus on sex trafficking, although most estimates indicate that the majority of victims of trafficking were forced to engage in domestic, agricultural or construction work.
The abolished want to treat it as trafficking by combating the traditional legal distinction between all forced prostitution and voluntary prostitution.
They tried to convince President Clinton in 1998.
Hillary Clinton is the honorary chairman of the women's committee of the Clinton administration
Adopt their broad definition in international criminal treaties and federal trafficking bills.
This is an amazing effort to expand and strengthen criminal penalties, a strategy for research work and trafficking by Barnard sociologist Elizabeth Bernstein, known as "carceral feminism ".
In 2007, she wrote: "The abolition" relied on the imprisonment strategy as their primary tool for "justice. ".
During the Clinton administration, they lost the fight to define all prostitution as trafficking.
"These years have been frustrating," Donna Hughes, a slave waste researcher at Rhode Island University and a professor of women's studies, said in an interview in a National Review on 2006. When George W.
When Bush was elected in 2000, Hughes formed a faith-based alliance with other slaves.
Groups including evangelical Republicans lobby the new president.
The Bush administration has funded Christian groups such as the international judicial mission to save girls and women abroad. I. J. M.
Help raid brothels in Cambodia, Thailand and India and work with local police officers who break in as American television cameras roll.
I received a lot of donations. J. M.
From America.
Jed, a master of Seattle.
However, local human rights groups and women's groups expressed their displeasure at the strategy.
After some raids by Indian and Indonesian police, girls and women were deported, detained in abusive institutions and forced to have sex with the police, according to communiqué 2005 of the World Health Organization and the Global Alliance for Women and AIDS.
When I was two years ago. J. M.
The report said that there were minors in a brothel in Thailand. police raided it and locked the women working there in the orphanage.
Women string sheets together to escape for a second. story window.
Françoise Girard is the director of the public-
When she met with Gary Hogan, leader of I, she took part in the health program at the Open Society Foundation. J. M.
As well as Holly bokawater, senior consultant in 2007. “I. J. M.
"It's worth it if we can save a girl," Girard said . " Girard is now president of the International Women's Health Alliance.
"I said, 'What happened to the girls?
They can't answer.
Burkhalter said she did not remember the problem with Girard, but I was not allowed to do so by the police. J. M.
To Thailand for raids.
"It would be much better if we had it," she said . " Now, when I did, she added. J. M.
"Each victim has a case worker.
The Bush administration has also funded a study of slavery that has a detrimental effect on prostitution, highlighting the work on the State Department's website.
Hughes, a female slave
Professor of Research, condemning strip clubs and circles
The dancing 2005 dollars on the issue of human trafficking are over $100,000.
Melissa Farley, a psychologist who accepted the Bush Fund, wrote in the 2000 issue of women and criminal justice that any woman who claimed to choose prostitution was sickly --
"Her nature is to enjoy domination and rape. ” Non-
The disserist's researchers criticized her for treating some of the brutal injuries she experienced in prostitution
There is no general reality of solid evidence.
In response to a part of the lobbying of the feminist slurs and evangelists, in 2003, Congress banned groups that helped victims of trafficking from obtaining federal funding if they supported "Legalization or practice of prostitution.
In the same year, President Bush spent $15 billion on the international fight against AIDS, but asked all those who received funding to sign a counter
Prostitution vows.
The result is a head.
Prevention of AIDS and the collision of anti-slavery ideas
Brazil has refused to provide $40 million to the United States.
Public number Sangram
Health and Human rights groups distribute condoms in red mulberry
Bright areas in rural southern India refused to sign the promise and returned US funds in 2005, when the United StatesN.
AIDS is considered a reliable source of AIDSI. V.
And human rights.
Meena Seshu, director of Sangram, said: "We distribute 350,000 condoms a month, he has a master's degree in social work and has published an article on The Lancet and received an award from Human Rights Watch.
"Do you really work with people or do you give them morality?
This is our choice.
The Obama administration continues to fund organizations involved in the rescue effort.
On 2013, the Supreme Court overturned
S. Group prostitution promises to violate their freedom-speech rights.
But the decision does not apply to foreign groups who still cannot get federal funds to fight AIDS if they support sex --
Workers' rights movement
The current debate about sexual work in the United States is often considered an option between international legal systems.
The slaves embrace what they call Sweden (or Nordic)model.
On 1999, at the urging of feminists, the Swedish Parliament passed the Sex Purchase Act, which made buying sex a crime.
Prostitution is not a crime in itself, but the new law considers prostitution to be "a serious injury to both individuals and society, and a media campaign has declared that the legislation is morally based, to "drive John out of the Baltic Sea ".
Ten years later, Sweden announced a 50% reduction in street prostitution and the success of the law.
Although no one had recorded data on street prostitution before the law was passed, the decline in this claim became the main selling point of the system to punish men.
In Sweden, however, there is an increasing number of online advertising, leading researchers to conclude that small markets are moving indoors.
In 2009, Norway and Iceland adopted the Swedish model, and in the past two years, Canada and Northern Ireland have issued revised versions. Sex-
Workers activists oppose the pattern.
Pye Jakobsson said: "People think that the Swedish government has convicted customers rather than convicted us because they care about us, but this is not the case . " A Swedish sex worker is the chairman of the global network of work projects.
"The law is protecting society and we are seen as a threat.
Some sex workers say that making male behavior a crime would put them at greater risk.
"Women working on the street used to have safe places for customers to drive," explains Jacobson . ".
"Now because of the police, the customer said no.
They want to go to a remote place.
How can that woman be safe there?
On December, a Bulgarian sex worker was brutally killed in an abandoned parking lot in the port of Oslo. Her friends —
There are also immigrants from Balkan countries, like many selling women in Sweden and Norway --
She looked for her when she disappeared.
But they didn't go to the police until they found her body.
May said that when police investigated whether a man had purchased sex supplies, "they used it as a reason to check the female documents"
Len Skilbrei is a professor of sociology and criminology at the University of Oslo.
These inspections could lead to deportation, she said.
Sex workers also face the possibility of losing custody of their children and being deported.
"If the police tell the landlord that they think you're escorting you out of the apartment, he has to expel you, or he may be prosecuted," Skilbrei said . ".
Norwegian police reported a long
Oslo's campaign against prostitution against homeless people.
The government of Sweden has made it clear that it believes that the problems brought by the law to sex workers are an acceptable form of deterrence, and reported on 2010 that from the point of view that the purpose of the law is indeed to combat prostitution, negative effects "must be seen as positive.
When France adopted the Swedish model in April, the bill's sponsor in parliament said one of the goals was to "change people's mindset ".
On social media, American sex workers expressed their sympathy to their French sisters.
For the United States, Sweden may not be a related model, and in the United States, the difficulty of often pushing people to the streets --
Horizontal work is more common and safety nets are weaker.
Founder Rachel Lloyd and C. said the difference is relevantE. O.
Education and counseling services for girls (GEMS)
Headquartered in central Harlem, it helps about 400 girls and young women in prostitution in New York each year.
She opposed legalization because she thought it would increase human trafficking.
She visited Stockholm two years ago and found that there are so many family services, very few teenagers are in foster care, and most people have access to state services, which is important
Funded University
"This is what I think: in the United StatesS.
She said of the Swedish model: "We are not there.
"We don't have social services.
Lloyd said that of the tens of millions of dollars in government funds and donations to combat trafficking in the United States, there is not enough money for services, such as housing for young people leaving foster homes;
There are already 70% GEMS members in the system.
"You need an apartment when you're trying to move forward," Lloyd said . ".
"You need to go to school. ” (
In Sweden, she was also surprised to find that men caught buying spring were fined instead of arrested, and the amount paid depends on their income, generally ranging from $300 to $4500. According to news reports. )
Australia has adopted a very different legal model from Sweden.
In 1999, New South Wales, Australia abolished the criminal law against prostitution, released adults who agreed to buy and sell sex, and allowed brothels to operate like other businesses. (
There are various laws in other Australian states. )
Four years later, New Zealand committed a complete non-criminal offence.
Slaves are predicting explosive growth in prostitution.
But the number of sex workers is flat, with about 6,000 in New Zealand and an increase in New South Wales.
According to government surveys, the proportion of sex workers using condoms has increased by more than 99%.
Sex workers at the New South Wales brothel report that they have the same levels of depression and stress as women in the general population;
Women who work in the streets are also often intravenous drug users, a much higher proportion.
While the New Zealand government has found no evidence that sex workers are being trafficked along the country's border, on last November, the New South Wales Parliament gave the police more power to monitor brothels, with reports saying, some are linked to organized crime and prosecution of "sexual slavery" and exploitation.
One of them was a Thai woman recruited in Bangkok who told herself that she would learn to be a hairdresser.
A few years ago, a Seattle woman and outspoken activist named Mattis flew to Australia for three weeks and worked for a week.
"I just wanted to see what it was like," she said . ".
At home, she writes for stranger (Seattle's alternative weekly) and regularly posts tweets about sexual work practices and politics to her 27,000 Twitter followers.
In Australia, Mattis works in a small brothel called Golden Apple.
6 bedroom bar
In Sydney, New South Wales, there is also a bigger city called Gotham City.
"I think: I am not Mrs. Matisse.
I will be a girl who provides full service "-intercourse —
"This is something I haven't done for years," she said . ".
She met three or four clients one night and then went to the beach.
Mattis will work in Australia in contrast to a brothel in Nevada a few years ago.
She prefers Australia.
Nevada limits legal prostitution to a handful of brothels in rural areas that are subject to strict licensing requirements.
"In Australia, you go home every night and you can smoke, date and stay in normal head space," Mattis said . ".
"You have to be 24/7 in a brothel in Nevada.
It's like a cross between a summer camp and a women's prison.
"Most of the prostitution in the state is carried out illegally outside the brothels in Las Vegas and Reno, with more freedom but more risk.
Similar in Germany. tiered market.
After the introduction of new rules for legitimate trading in 2002, the country became a growing destination for sex tourism, with an estimated 400,000 sex workers.
Migrant women working underground, some of whom were lured across the border, faced the same threat of deportation as Sweden.
At the same time, the licensing requirements have increased the cost of opening brothels in favor of chain enterprises and large enterprises, including 12-story, neon-
Lit in a brothel.
Skilbrei, a professor at the University of Oslo, said: "The strange thing is how industrialized brothels are . ".
"For example, they control women through health checks.
"It's not a model for sex workers to fight for, because it weakens their autonomy.
Amnesty distinguishes laws in Germany (
Sex work is legal in the Netherlands but regulated by local authorities)
People from New Zealand and Australia who give "greater control to sex workers to be independent and self-functioning
"Organize in informal cooperatives and control their working environment," the human rights group noted . ".
Melissa Farley, a psychologist and a slave-abolished researcher, rejected all these models.
"The function of the state is a pimping, collecting taxes, and I think it's blood money," she wrote in an email on last December . ".
In a recent government study, the New Zealand government conducted 2008 investigations into 770 sex workers, and most reported that they were unlikely to report violence to the police, the government sees it as a shame for them.
Farley believes this proves that "no matter where prostitution exists, no matter what the legal status, the harm will follow.
The lesson for Amnesty International is that non-punishment is not like a shift --
It takes time to change attitudes.
There are signs that this has already started: in 2008 of New Zealand's surveys, 40% of sex workers have also said they feel friendly and sense of belonging, this suggests that the relationship between them may provide an antidote to stigma.
Annah pick, who has carried out street propaganda for New Zealand Prostitutes collectively, described the recent developments of the police, which is unthinkable in almost any other place.
"We used to ask the police for help a lot and they would continue driving, but now they take sex worker complaints seriously," she said . ".
She told me one thing that happened last year in South Auckland.
"A client talks with a street worker;
She did it and he refused to pay.
She waved to a police officer who told the client that he had to pay and took him to. T. M.
Get the money.
Sixty years ago, after graduating from Smith College, Gloria stronham spent two years in an observation village in India --
Based on land reform
After returning home in 2014, she called prostitution "commercial rape" and made headlines.
Until recently, Indian feminists had also agreed with Steinem about prostitution, but many people have gradually changed their minds.
On 2014, Lalitha Kumaramangalam, chairman of the National Women's Council of India, came forward to support non-criminal conviction, saying it would help protect workers from violence and improve their medical care
India's domestic response is mixed.
But Americans like Steinem refuse to rethink their widespread
Condemnation of the wisdom of sexual work or rescue strategies has angered some feminists there.
"Why do you lock yourself in India as a rescuer without being involved in the larger women's movement?
Asked Geeta Misra, who is in charge of human rights group C. R. E. A.
New Delhi seeks to build feminist leadership to expand sexual and reproductive freedom.
India's debate has shifted largely because of the country's gender role --
The collective workers are one of the largest in the world, playing an unparalleled social and political force in the United States.
Founded in early 1990, these groups were initially proven to be good at helping to slow the spread of AIDS. I. V.
Melinda Gates went to Red Sonagachi.
On 2004, light district of Kolkata reported in The Seattle Times that a sex worker named Gita and her peers, who "helped increase condom use from zero to 70% in their area and reduced condom useI. V.
Infection rate reached 7%
By contrast, the proportion of other local workers is as high as 66%.
Gates finally announced that the foundation she and her husband Bill Gates will spend $0. 2 billion with H. I. V.
In India, the money was later raised at $0. 338 billion. The sex-
Group of workers at Sonagachi, Council of Durbar Mahila Samanwaya (D. M. S. C.
"Unstoppable Women's Committee ")
, There are now 65,000 members who run schools for the children of sex workers, who often face discrimination and have established banks where sex workers can open accounts.
In the rural area of Sanli, 6,000 people belong to the village committee of Veshya Anyay relief (
"Fight against injustice by sex workers ")
A branch of the public number Sangramhealth group.
While it is illegal to own brothels in India or sell spring in the streets, indoor prostitution is not illegal.
Law enforcement is not balanced and police sometimes ask for sex or bribes.
Nevertheless, the relationship between the police and sex workers may be subtly tempered, allowing the collective to defend themselves.
From 2005 to 2011, a project by the Gates Foundation used the collective model to organize 60,000 sex workers in Karnataka.
They invited peer educators to talk to police and lawyers, to teach them the right to be free from harassment, and often not to be arrested.
Police, pimps and clients and H. I. V.
According to a study last year in the Journal of the International AIDS Society.
Human rights advocates, including Amnesty, believe
Collective workers are better means of preventing human trafficking and underpopulation
Prostitution is older than a brothel. D. M. S. C.
VAMP operates the display boards in Sonagachi and Sangli, which interviewed women who are new to the area to ask if they voluntarily participate in sexual transactions and sometimes check birth certificates to prove that these women are at least 18 years old (
Partly out of self
Interest, because older women usually don't want to compete with younger women).
This is not a perfect system anyway.
Among other disadvantages, high
Researchers such as Prabha Kotiswaran, a faculty member at King's College London, said that Sonagachi's end brothels run by people named agrawalis do not participate in the distribution of collective condoms, and she is in Sonagachi for her book "Dangerous sex, invisible Labor has been working on the ground for several months.
"Agra is a source of deficiency.
Age trafficking, "says Kotiswaran.
However, she saw D in other brothels. M. S. C.
The staff tried to help the girl leave and found a better choice than the state
Protective Detention, which usually ends after a raid.
"It's a nightmare, it's like a prison," Kotiswaran said . ".
Indian feminists want poor women to have other options to maintain a decent life, but it is difficult for them to do so.
Kotiswaran found that in Sonagachi, women earn about six times as much as a garment factory for sex work.
In a study of more than 5,000 women in India in 2011, only 3% said they were "forced" to engage in sex transactions, and only 10% said they were free to choose.
The rest fell into a gray zone between the two, giving reasons related to issues such as poverty or domestic violence or abandonment.
In any other case, American feminists celebrate the improvement of their lives by thousands of women's organizations.
But Steinem expressed deep doubts about India's sexuality.
Collective workers. D. M. S. C.
Making "The sex industry has attracted millions of dollars from the Gates Foundation," creating "a new source of income for brothel owners, pimps and drug dealers, she wrote in the 2012 Hindu newspaper.
In an interview with Esquire last fall, she described the foundation's work in India as a "disaster" and said "there is no evidence that women have the ability to allow men to use condoms. ” (
The Gates Foundation declined to comment through a spokesman. )
However, research has shown that the use of condoms has increased significantly when sex workers organize, the new H. I. V.
The number of infections in India has fallen by half.
Steenam's guide in sonagaki, and on her 2014 trip, is Ruchira Gupta, the earliest chamber of commerce in the world known as Apne before India, which tries to help women leave sex jobs, and helped the police raid the brothel.
Gupta has a close relationship with the American slaves.
She received State Department funding during the Bush administration, won the Clinton Global Citizenship Award in 2009, and plans to receive an honorary degree from Smith College this month.
Steinem is a member of the Apne Aap Advisory Committee.
Nicholas Kristoff, a New York Times point columnist, has started a brothel raid (
Including one where he lives in Cambodia. tweeted)
Gupta is known as an "outstanding social entrepreneur ".
When I asked the Gupta Gates Foundation about its work on AIDS prevention, she said: "They are thinking about 45-year-
Is the old customer.
Instead of protecting women and girls from rapists, they protect men from AIDS.
Gupta also condemned Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch: "They saw a little girl in a brothel and if we gave her a condom they thought it was okay.
Rachel Moran, author of the recent memoir pay, described himself as a survivor of Irish prostitution, and said, "Amnesty International has accepted their views directly from pimps and drug dealers
Amnesty International categorically denied the allegations and explained that it had consulted sex workers while conducting extensive research.
"We recognize that sexual work can cause harm, but for the sake of descriptive --
"The workers' rights movement as a front for pimps is really shocking," said Catherine Murphy of Amnesty International . ".
Steinem refused to talk to me.
Her assistant said she would use Gupta as a "source for this issue ".
"Due to the complexity of Indian sex work, human rights advocates question the method of Gupta.
Many selling women do so by themselves or in groups, walking out of their homes or at roadside, truck stops, parks or railway stops.
Some rent rooms from women who have or continue to do sex work.
These women are often arrested on charges of brothels.
Siddhartha Dube, the public, said that
US health specialist, former Senior AdvisorN.
AIDS patients widely reported sex work in India in their memoir "No one else.
He added, "It was a disaster because it was a helpless poor woman in her 40 s or 50 s who tried to survive.
"In India, there is another side to prostitution, which Dube said is far less common: For some families, prostitution is a small rural community that has been passed on from generation to generation, women or girls are expected to enter the industry.
These are the most difficult places to fight human trafficking.
"You have to try," Dube said . "
"But you are entering a very complex and explosive situation where you can make a huge judgment mistake in identifying who is a human dealer.
Like everyone I talked to, he objected.
Age Prostitution
But to solve the problem, "You can't just raid or seek publicity in a sloppy way.
You have to work on these issues with the community.
Apne Aap focused most of its work on such communities and reported raids and intergeneration prostitution in the media.
However, a TV clip "Perna's" fallen "woman" aired in the TV show "India Today ", "stirred up the beating of some of the family members of girls and women who appeared on the show, according to Apne Aap's former US and European interns and Indian staff, who wrote in 2014 to criticize the group.
They sent the letter to the main funder of Apne Aap, Warren Buffett's son Peter, who founded the NoVo Foundation in New York.
Gupta questioned whether the beating had occurred and said that if it had occurred, "it was not because of Apne Aap.
"She told me that she hated the title of the show, but the group promoted the section, including interviews with her.
"Through the occasional use of the media, we intimidate local authorities not to collude with human traffickers, we intimidate human traffickers and make them think that what they are doing is open," Gupta said.
Former Apne Aap staff also wrote that there was a disconnect between the organization's headquarters and field offices and the "needs and voices" of girls and women they wanted.
After the letter, Apne Aap ended the international intern program.
The company also stopped renting expensive offices and houses in Delhi, working far away from the field, and hired Dalberg Development to assess its impact over the past five years.
Praising Apne Aap for bringing women together and providing legal training, especially to help put children at risk of prostitution in boarding schools, Dalberg, however, it is recommended that the organization "reduce or reduce direct participation" in the rescue of brothels.
Apne Aap is receiving two-
$700,000 grant from the NoVo Foundation.
NoVo said in an email that it continued to support the organization out of concern for marginalized girls and women who "rely on Apne Aap to provide basic services.
"The US supports the Apne Aap model, particularly Steinem, which makes those touristic Indian feminists sad and frustrated --
Collective workers.
"Gloria Steinem is one of our idols," said Meena Seshu of Sangram . ".
"We really respect her.
Why didn't she come and listen to the people here with respect and dignity?
A few years ago, the VAMP of the Sanley collective produced a short film, save us from the savior.
"In front of the camera, a collective leader named Shabana said:" I started doing sex work when I was 12 years old.
One of my sisters was burned to death.
I might have been killed too, so I ran away.
In the next shot, she was dressed in a bright yellow sari and sat with two children, one of whom kissed her head.
"It was not until recently that I began to think that I was doing a good job in sex," said Shabana . ".
"I don't have to rely on anyone.
"If sexual behavior-what will the non-criminal sexualization of the United States look like?
Has the workers' rights movement been successful?
It is difficult to learn from other countries.
Some activists believe that the best way is to start with a local experiment.
Meg Muños said to me, "You need a place to try . " He mentioned legalization of marijuana in Colorado.
"You need the right test environment.
"However, it is not clear where it will be;
In 2008, voters in San Francisco rejected the referendum on non-punishment by a large margin.
The way non-criminal crimes may occur may be in the unsexy details of the implementation.
Cities can use zoning regulations to address concerns about the impact on residential areas by limiting brothels (such as strip clubs) to industrial areas and limiting their size.
Trafficking and promotion
Prostitution is still a crime.
People can work cautiously in their own homes or hotels without fear of retaliation.
As activists hope, the sex industry may become safer.
Sex trade is also likely to grow, as anti-slavery warns, especially if a region becomes sex --
Tourist hot spots.
So far, the idea of scrapping slavery about punishing men and treating women as victims has dominated legal reforms in the United States.
Seattle, for example, has announced that action will be taken to arrest male clients and link sex workers to services.
But in various living environments, sex workers I interviewed across the country raised questions about how punishing buyers could make their lives better;
They will still be involved in illegal trading and have something to hide.
An older escort told me that she would report if she was not afraid of exposure or loss of business
Age prostitution and trafficking to police if she witnessed it.
Three years ago, in New York, slaves encouraged a Human Trafficking Intervention Court for those arrested on prostitution charges.
The judge asked for services such as counselling to address trauma and could dismiss the charges against those who participated and were not re-arrested.
Sex workers and their supporters say it's better than having a criminal record, but women who don't comply are still likely to be put in jail, some of the participants say, they hate being forced to consult with authorities.
The court also authorized pre-trial detention to send women to prison if the judge considers it necessary to protect them from men or simply to prevent them from prostitution immediately.
Kate Mogulescu, founder and supervisory lawyer of the Legal Aid Association's exploitation intervention program, believes that these courts are an experiment of "criminal welfare" because they repackage criminal intervention for social services.
A few months before the opening of the human trafficking tribunal, New York State passed a "bawdy house" law, which would make it easier for prosecutors to file deportation proceedings against prostitution if landlords did not do so.
Last spring, with the support of the abolished slaves and conservatives (
The same alliance during the Bush administration)
Congress passed the Justice for Victims of Human Trafficking Act, which equates the crime of buying sex from victims of human trafficking to the sex trade itself.
The maximum sentence is 99 years.
Rachel Lloyd of gem believes that the focus of the reform should be to help girls and women, not to increase penalties for men who pay for sex.
At 2008, she helped pass a safe.
In New York, prostitution teenagers are considered victims by harbor law, not criminals. (
More than half of states have such laws. )
In various living environments, I spoke to sex workers across the country and heard a series of feelings about what they did. A self-
The East Indian prostitute in New York says she likes to "play a role and develop a fantasy that we can all get out of our mundane lives.
A prime minister who lives in the Upper East Side told me that she is sometimes happy to build emotional connections.
Then her tone changed.
"But God, I hate to put the tape on --on.
A woman in Brooklyn said that her client meant nothing to her.
"I only care about my children," she said . ".
"This is to serve them.
Mrs. Mattis, the Seattle Governor, treated some clients as friends.
One is her tax and the other is the exterminator to check if there are bugs in her house.
She raised thousands of dollars from clients and online donors to help a West Virginia woman named Heather, who told me she hated sex work, but this is done to buy heroin to pay for living and receive medication.
"If you don't want to do the job, you shouldn't do it," Mrs. Matisse told me . ".
"I know it hurts your heart.
"Other women who sound numb and even mentally scarred say they have to spend their time apart from their clients.
Ceyenne, an activist arrested a few years ago while doing "paedophile work" in New Jersey, said, "there is a lot to do both mentally and physically.
She wrote a memoir, she often and L. G. B. T. youth groups.
"When I talk to these upcoming girls, I tell them to get in touch with more.
The traditional feminist argument against impunity is that legalization of prostitution can lead to more gender inequality and thus harm women.
Its human rights argument is that it will make people's lives better and safer.
In this struggle, whose voice is worth listening to, who speaks for whom, when the power of criminal law is used, sex --
The workers' rights movement is a revolt against punishment and shame.
It requires respect for a group that rarely accepts it and insists that you can really help them only if you respect them.
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