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Singapore’s Ban on Gay Male Sex Is Upheld by Top Court - anal sex products

by:KISSTOY     2020-04-15
Singapore’s Ban on Gay Male Sex Is Upheld by Top Court  -  anal sex products
A judge in Singapore's Supreme Court ruled that three gay men were defeated in the fight against gay sex in Singapore. year-
The old law is the Constitution.
The challenge posed by the "strong controversy" is the best city council debate, with the Appeal Court judge Andrew pan, Belinda Ang and Bosnia and Herzegovina said at 107-
Page decision delivered yesterday.
"While we understand the appellant's inner feelings, this court cannot help them," the judges wrote in the ruling . ".
"Their remedy, if any, lies in the area of legislation.
The law, known as Section 377A, is reserved after one or two in 2007.
Parliament held a day of debate to repeal the relevant provisions that make sex oral and anal sex a crime.
Church groups and homosexuality
Activists clashed over the ban, which the government says has not been actively enforced since the medium term1990s.
"There is only one voice ---
Only one voice-
The judges said: "This is relevant.
"This is the voice of the law, representing an objective voice. ”M.
Lawyer Ravi, one of the three men who tried to overturn the law, said in a statement that the decision legalizes discrimination against homosexuality.
The couple, Kenneth Chee and Gary Lim, who questioned the ban, said they were "deeply disappointed" and wanted Parliament to consider their case.
"We want Singaporeans to see this as a small setback for equality and fairness," said Chee and Lim . ".
Over the past two years, the fight for gay rights has become more prominent.
Last week, a federal judge in Puerto Rico upheld the federal government's ban --
Same-sex marriage legalized in at least 32 countries in the United StatesS. states.
In December, India overturned a 2009 ruling to legalize same-sex behavior.
Russia promulgated-
Gay laws, international outrage, New Zealand becoming the first Asian country
Pacific countries that legalize same-sex marriage
The laws passed by the parliament when Singapore was a British colony were preserved to protect public morality, lawyers
The general's chamber told the court on July.
Offenders will face up to two years in prison.
The city's police advised participants at this year's gay annual event.
On June, Pride rally "Pink Dot" to "maintain peace" and avoid commenting on race and religion.
The warning came after Muslim and Christian groups called on their followers to wear white clothes on the day to show "purity" and oppose the incident.
While multi-ethnic, multicultural, multilingual and multi-religious societies in Singapore allow "true and practical freedom" for each group, the judges say, "This cannot be extended by the persistence of a particular group so that certain values can be imposed on others.
"This decision is a terrible setback for gay people in Singapore who want to live like everyone else without government intervention," New York-
Human Rights Watch said in an email
Mailing statement
These cases are lawyer Lin mengsuong V-
General CA54/2013
Lawyer Tan nenghong V-
General, 2013.
Singapore court of appeal.
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