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'Smart sex toys' company to settle lawsuit over gathering customer's data - sex toys canada

by:KISSTOY     2020-08-22
\'Smart sex toys\' company to settle lawsuit over gathering customer\'s data  -  sex toys canada
In a recent settlement filed by the Federal Court of Illinois, said that our manufacturer Standard Innovation Company
On behalf of itself and a hypothetical settlement category, Vibe sex products "agreed to the terms of the claim for anonymous plaintiffs ".
"Read more: a class action against" smart "dildo, which tracks customer intimacy, was filed in Chicago on September-
Regional women, claiming we-
The Vibe vibrator app for IOS and Android collects information about customers' use of corporate sex toys without consent, including the frequency and time of use of toys, as well as the vibration settings and temperature levels of vibrators.
According to the lawsuit, the data will be sent to the server of the Canadian company.
"This is one of the most incredible privacy violations we 've ever dealt with," Eve-
Lynn Lapp, a lawyer at the law firm that filed the lawsuit, told the Chicago Tribune.
The plaintiff bought a We-
The carnival vibrator is rumored to be $130, which can be downloaded according to the suit. Vibe's We-Connect app.
She said she was never told in the lawsuit that every time she activated the app, the company monitored her activities and "personal identity" information.
"No charges have been made against any of our customer data being leaked," company spokesman Danny Alexander said on September . ".
"However, given the privacy of our products, the privacy and security of customer data is critical to our company.
Therefore, we take customer privacy and our data practices seriously.
"On October, the company announced an update to our privacy and security policy --Vibe customers.
"Like many apps, we-
Connect needs some data collection to allow the app to work, "the company said in revealing the new policy.
"This data is used in aggregate and anonymous form to not recognize individual users.
If you don't use US-
They don't collect any data to connect the app to our product. "We-
Vibe's app allows users to remotely control toys, as well as other uses, through smartphones paired with devices.
Most app users will not create accounts in the company, the company said.
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