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‘Smart’ vibrator company settles $3.75 million privacy lawsuit - vibrator adult sex toy

by:KISSTOY     2019-11-20
‘Smart’ vibrator company settles $3.75 million privacy lawsuit  -  vibrator adult sex toy
Think twice before connecting these sex toys to the Internet: a vibrator company has agreed to pay up to $10,000 to the United StatesS.
Use the smartphone app to transfer data to customers of the company's servers.
In a settlement filed by the Federal Court of Chicago on Thursday, the Canadian company said that we-
Vibe agreed to pay $5 million CDN (about $3. 75 million)
Address the privacy statement about "adult sensory lifestyle products" that transmit customer data.
There's a problem with the toy, the name is like "we-
Vibe Sync "is intended for couples to use, allowing one side to control the device via Bluetooth and smartphone apps.
However, security researchers have found that the company is still using smartphone apps to collect data on how customers use vibrators.
The apps collect some information, such as the temperature and intensity settings used by the owner, and how often they use the toy. While We-
Vibe stressed that no customer data has been hacked by external hackers, and nevertheless, data collection has resulted in two clients filing a class action lawsuit against the company.
In view of the personal information involved, the court allows the client-
Known only as "NP" and "PS "-
In the strange twist of the solution, this process creates two potential ways for the customer to collect: to prove that the person they use the app to control the vibrator, as part of the claim process, who provides their name, phone number and other details will get up to $10,000.
At the same time, those just bought one of us-
Devices connected by Vibe will receive up to $199.
Our spokesman.
Standard Innovation, the parent company of Vibe, provided the following statement to Fortune.
"We are pleased to have reached a fair and reasonable solution to this issue.
We value customer privacy and data security in terms of standard innovation.
We enhance our privacy notifications, improve the security of the app, provide customers with more options for sharing their data, and we continue to work with leading privacy and security experts to enhance the app
Although the lawsuit will lead to us-
This incident may cause many consumers to doubt the accessibility of the Internet --
The first is the connectivity toy.
The story first appeared in fortune. com.
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