'South Park' delivers brilliant RPG fun with a vulgar potty mouth - fun sex toys

Nazi zombie, talking poo, red hair hall monitor, King of the Jewish elves, armed and dangerous homeless camp, bovonish running around and spitting out his usual madness, sex toys
Fly down and save you with Jesus waving
If you're thinking about South Park, you're on the spot.
If any of the above offended you, stop reading and stay as far away as possible from "South Park: The Stick of Truth ".
The children from that quiet town of Red Collar Hill, who each week delivered unpolite and funny opinions about culture, politics and religion, finally succeeded in joining a small game with no taste, this could be the best role --
This year or last year.
"The Stick of Truth" makes the player fully aware
The dimensional style world of "South Park", you play "New Kid", who is quickly involved in a neighborhood fight between Cartman and Kyle about mysterious sticks.
The Kupa kingdom of Cartman remains (you can put it together yourself --
After all, Cartman and Elf Kyle led the town's battle in Lord of the Rings.
Classic children's style legend-believe play —South Park-style.
That means it's about a foul.
Just like the "South Park" product you imagined.
The children had a meal.
Weapons and armor made from everyday items (some will make you laugh off the couch), they pretend to be swords and shields.
But they also have real swords and shields.
Who do they know they're real-
This is an incredible scene of a classic pause.
What comes to mind right away is how amazing the world of "South Park" is in this game.
Everything in the TV series is direct.
The creators of South Park are also involved.
The two wrote stories and conversations, did all the dubbing and supervised the production of the game.
Almost every broadcast of the "South Park" role will appear.
This is an important part of the game because one of the goals is to provide the "friend" character for players in the game
Game version of Facebook.
By doing so, you can add more "benefits" to your corner class ".
It took us to the glorious Dungeons and Dragons.
RPG game style in South Park: The Stick of Truth.
"This game is really one of the best RPG games I 've played in a long time.
You can almost read page 3 of the classic Dragon & dungeon Player's Manual.
Version 5, you play. Combat is turn-
Based on magic and melee mode and combined several attack options.
There are also large-scale special attacks for each character that can be upgraded at the time of upgrade.
A special favorite is Professor Bart's special attack on chaos.
Style chaos (from the "weapons" episode) stom feet, either do a huge damage to your enemy or increase your own team with attack and defense bonuses.
Weapons and armor can be used with special-
Provide project patches for various bonuses.
There are also various pictures added-
You can collect and wear clothes.
Another mini game includes finding and collecting Chinpokomon.
Version of "South Park" and dig in Pokémon.
The game features a seamless transition between the animation scene and the game.
Very fast loading time, map navigation features include parallax scrolling and side-
Rolling and belt
Rolling motion.
Basically everything about this game is difficult and I haven't found any troubles yet.
Not even multiplayer is a problem.
This is the best game ever. . .
Only because of the underwear problem.