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State of Kansas selling sex toys online to recoup tax debt - adult sex toys online

by:KISSTOY     2019-08-26
State of Kansas selling sex toys online to recoup tax debt  -  adult sex toys online
An auction of sex toys is underway so that Kansas can recover the taxes paid by a porn entrepreneur.
The government hopes to cash in after seized online, a company that owes $160,000 in taxes, seized thousands of sex toys. com reports.
The owner of the default company United Outlets LLC, operating in the name of Bang, was returned to the sexy stock seized in July so that he could hold an online auction to repay the debt. The inventory —
Including "premium" vibrators, books, DVDs, underwear and quirky cuffs seized from five adult stores --
The warehouse was held for public viewing on Monday and auctioned on Tuesday.
"The difference is the pick-up factor for the products we sell," Kansas online quoted Jeannine Koranda, a spokesman for the Kansas tax bureau, as saying.
"This is a lot of items.
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