Surrey Christmas Bureau in dire need of toy and cash donations - toys for women
More than ever, more people ask for toys for their children and gift baskets for their Christmas table.
Earlier last week, 1,911 families registered with the Surrey Christmas Bureau broke last year's record.
By Wednesday, 1,945 families had already asked for help, and Werring expected the number to exceed 2,000 this weekend.
This is supposed to be the story of Christmas.
A baby born in a less than ideal environment, the parents of the baby in the swaddling are from distant places, animals (
Although it's a stuffed animal.
Around the makeshift crib
"On Wednesday, we had almost our own scene of the birth of Jesus at the Surrey Christmas Bureau," said Lisa Kumar, executive director of the bureau.
"I noticed a woman who seemed very distressed.
She is Mexican and can't speak English, but her husband can speak some.
"He told me she was in labor and the contractions were five minutes apart.
They are in line.
"I said, 'You are next!
Surrey Christmas Bureau can use its own miracles.
The toy shelf was soon empty.
More than ever, more people ask for toys for their children and gift baskets for their Christmas table.
Earlier last week, 1,911 families registered with the Surrey Christmas Bureau broke last year's record.
By Wednesday, 1,945 families had already asked for help, and Werring expected the number to exceed 2,000 this weekend.
The figure includes at least 4,356 children and adolescents, she said.
"I 've met some people who didn't expect to be in this position and get fired and they hope to find a new job right away, but that's not the case.
In November, the Surrey Bureau began distributing toys.
So far, 700 families have received vouchers for toys and groceries.
Another 600 adopted family programs through the bureau matched sponsors.
However, toys and food vouchers are still needed in 600 families, including more than 700 children.
As a result, Christmas is only a few days away, and the Surrey Christmas Bureau has issued an urgent appeal for donations before the big day arrives.
"We need toys for boys and girls of all ages, from babies to teenagers," Werring said . ".
"Gift cards are popular especially for teenagers.
"While many organizations extend their toy drives as long as possible to collect as many toys as possible, the Surrey Bureau now needs toys on the shelves," she said.
"We never wanted any parent to feel like they put the last toy on the shelf, just like they got the rest that someone else didn't want.
How terrible does this make you feel?
"We need toys urgently now.
I know people like to wait until the last minute to make the toy pile as big as possible, but the family is now going through the warehouse.
"The bureau also needs cash donations to store groceries.
"So many people are counting on us this year," Werring said . ".
Surrey Christmas Bureau is one of the organizations supported by the province's empty inventory fund and can make donations through the fund or between 9A. m. and 5 p. m.
At the Surrey Christmas Bureau toy warehouse, it is located on 10240 City Park Avenue opposite the Surrey Central Light Rail station.
Donations can also be made online at christmasbureau. com.
According to the expected demand in previous years and this year, the bureau will need at least $150,000 to buy groceries.
Therefore, more is needed with the record number or registrant.
"We are definitely the biggest," Werring said . ".
The bureau helps low
Income families with toys, socks and grocery cards.
Toys by age-
From games, stuffed animals, sports gear, winter clothes and toys, parents can choose whether or not it is appropriate.
It was housed in a former ice rink, a large and old ventilated building that was volunteered by the elderly to provide staff, so the heating cost was also great.
"We need to inject toys and cash donations as soon as possible," Werring said . ".
"We need to put toys on the shelves immediately and provide additional funding for our hamper program.
"Demand this year is bigger than ever.
I would be happy to give anyone who puts down the drudgery and let them see what their contributions are doing.
Gordmcintyre @ postmedia. comtwitter.