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Swedes convince their state shops to sell sex toys - sex toys for sale

by:KISSTOY     2020-03-13
Swedes convince their state shops to sell sex toys  -  sex toys for sale
STOCKHOLM (Reuters Life! )-
It seems surprising to some because it hasn't happened yet, but the state of Sweden --
The owned pharmacy has finally met the public's demand for sex toys and massage oil.
Elisabet Linge Bergman, a press official at Apoteket, said 50 of the approximately 950 chain stores will start selling dildos and other products in June, literally "pharmacy"
"We know from research that in products that we are not selling in the market today, such products are required," said Linge Bergman . ".
The Swedish Sex Education Association conducted the study and found that people prefer to buy this product in the state.
Instead of owning stores through the Internet or other stores.
Sweden, home to the 1970-generation booming sex film industry, has long been known for its open discussion of sex and sexuality.
Bergman e Bergman says Apoteket will sell these products with caution but will not try to hide them at the same time.
"Sex is an important part of life for most people," she said . ".
"We want to have these in big stores where there are a lot of customers so that everyone feels anonymous when buying.
Linge Bergman said the store staff did not show any resistance to the plan, adding that polls in Swedish media showed that most people thought it was a good idea.
Apoteket monopolizes excessive salesthe-
Despite the opening of the pharmacy market in Sweden, there are still some prescription drugs.
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