Ted Cruz blames ‘a staffing issue’ after @tedcruz likes a porn tweet - sex toys for guys
WASHINGTON—Republican Sen.
Ted Cruz said "staffing issues" caused his official Twitter account to "like" a porn video overnight.
Cruz told reporters at the Capitol on Tuesday morning, "there are many people on the team who can access the account.
It seems that someone accidentally clicked on the "like" button and when we found the post I thought we pulled it down after an hour or two.
He said: "This is a staffing problem. this is accidental. this is a mistake. it is not an intentional action . " He later added: "We deal with it internally, but it's a mistake and it's not malicious.
Cruz will not say who the employee is or what kind of discipline the person may face and whether he can still access his Twitter account "still under discussion ".
He also tried to clarify the issue.
"This is not what I thought when I woke up this morning," he said . ".
"Although, I would say that if I knew that this trend would go so fast, maybe we should post this during the Indiana primary.
Cruz lost his campaign for president in 2016.
Cruz watched porn on the Internet.
We know that for sure.
Whether he did it again last night at around 12: 39 a. m. m.
Eastern time, clips of actress Corey Chase and her fictional naked stepdaughter and an energetic young man somehow appeared in the senator's Twitter stream.
There will be more in a minute.
We know that Cruz has seen porn because he told us this in his book, The Moment of Truth: rekindle the hope of America.
Of course, it's all right. Cruz was a 26-year-
The old clerk of the Supreme Court.
The judges are deciding whether internet pornography should be regulated or not, and some judges first decide that they need to look at these things themselves, so the young Cruz takes a look.
"When we look at these graphic images to fill up our screens, Width-
"No one said a word, eyes," he wrote . ".
"Except for Judge O'Connor, she bowed her head and narrowed her eyes slightly, muttering, 'Oh, mine.
KieraGorden says it's the exact same thing
A few years later, in a few hours on Tuesday morning, when she and a half-conscious person on Twitter found out that @ tedcruz had just clicked on "like" under Chase and "family" and sweaty male friend clips. “OH MY.
"The offensive tweet posted earlier on @ tedcruz's account has been deleted by staff and reported to Twitter," Senator spokesperson Catherine Fraser on his account after two in the morning. m.
But this will only raise more questions, including: What is the purpose of reporting Twitter? And “removed?
Does the spokesperson mean that someone in Cruz's office has logged into his account and has not
Clicked on the little red heart below porn that someone clicked earlier that night, causing it to eventually disappear from his page?
Most urgently, with Cruz's name pushed to the top of Twitter on Monday morning: who clicked on the heart?
These unanswered questions do not prevent countless people on the Internet from assuming
Many people think that the mysterious liker is Cruz himself.
For years, Prurience has not been a major part of Cruz's political movement.
But he has had several intersections with public sexuality.
According to mom Jones, Cruz's legal team, Texas's attorney general in 2004, tried to defend a law banning sex toys from being sold.
His legal team drafted a 76.
Mother Jones wrote that page brief believes the government is interested in preventing "autonomous behavior"
"There is no substance --due-
The process right to stimulate the genitals for non-medical purposes, not related to fertility or outside of interpersonal relationships.
"When he ran for president in the Republican primary last year, Cruz's campaign inadvertently made a former soft
The core porn actress in the ad that attacked his rival Sen.
Marco Rubio, Florida
After discovering the history of Amy Lindsay's film, the campaign killed ads, and the actress protested that she was in mainstream roles alongside occasional porn films.
"You all described me as a porn star, but I'm not," she said . ".
On Tuesday, after calling the "like" sound around Washington a "staffing question" and insisting that "it was unintentional", Cruz was asked for the second time by reporters, if he pressed the heart button on the offending Twitter.
"No," he said calmly as he walked away.