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Tennessee Condom Lesson Spurs Ban on Promoting Sex Acts - anal sex products

by:KISSTOY     2020-04-16
Tennessee Condom Lesson Spurs Ban on Promoting Sex Acts  -  anal sex products
Nashville, Tennessee
In the school classroom, about a dozen students watched a woman from an AIDS prevention group show how to use condoms only with their mouths.
Two years ago, an elective scene angered opponents of sex education, so Tennessee may have passed the first state law in the United States, stipulating what lawmakers said led to sexual intercourse. -
Masturbating, touching, oral sex and anal sex with each other-
They are also prohibited from "propaganda" in public schools ".
The law targets groups such as family planning, discusses these behaviors on its website, and provides sex education at schools in Tennessee.
The National Association for abstinence education says it encourages lawmakers to take similar restrictions to ensure that young people across the United StatesS.
Keep their hands on themselves.
"We 've never seen anything like this become a law," says Elizabeth Nash, New York State's problem manager --
The Institute described its mission as promoting sexual and reproductive health and rights.
"It's so strange, it's more like a cheat than anything else.
Tennessee law prohibits teachers and external speakers from promoting or presenting "portals" activities.
The term is defined as activities involving the groin, upper thigh, hip, breast, and genitals.
This concept is modeled on this idea.
Called Gateway Drug-
For example, marijuana-
It causes users to take more intense drugs, such as heroin or cocaine.
This law allows parents to file complaints against teachers or organizations who violate the ban.
It establishes civil liability for external groups and can be fined $500 if parents win in court.
Teachers are exempt from fines.
"We fully hope that this will be an example for other states," said Valerie Huber, executive director of Washington . "
Based on the organization of abstinence education.
Family planning is one of the groups that provide sex education in Tennessee schools.
It also provides contraception and health checks and opens clinics that provide abortion, making it a target for religious groups.
This year, the legislature in Indiana, North Carolina, cut funding for the group.
Lyndsey Godwin, director of family planning education and training in the Middle East and region of Tennessee, said that in Nashville, family planning teaches about 1,000 students a year.
She said the group provided five hours of training, including discussing the risks of touching and oral sex above the waist.
Parents can keep their children out of class.
President Franklin David Fowler said family planning discussed the "coat" as a form of abstinence and birth control
The Tennessee Family Action Council led the push for the law.
"Outdoor classes" are defined on the family planning website as "sex games" without vaginal intercourse ".
It includes all activities that the law says cannot be taught now.
Because of the law, schools may stop inviting family planning advisers, Godwin said.
Barry Chase, director of the family planning Memphis chapter, said schools often turn to outside groups for sex education.
Chase said: "The job of teachers and administrators is basically to worry that they will be perceived, condemned or attacked for providing information about sex, which is one of the reasons why they attract outsiders.
Since 1991, Tennessee has asked for sex education in high schools if 15-to 17-year-
An old girl in a region is 19 years old at most. 5 out of 1,000.
Second, contraception must be the main lesson.
14-Hatch troverion in Chattanoogayear-
The old man who started high school next month said that schools should be able to talk about all kinds of sex.
"These things should be discussed easily so that people know the risks," he said . ".
"It's important for us to know these things before we grow up.
You don't want to grow up without knowing it.
Will Walker, 19, a student at the United university of a Christian college near Memphis, supports the law.
"Teenagers naturally want to resist," he said . "
"If they are told that this is acceptable and the others are unacceptable, then the tendency of nature is to go further.
2010 anatomy model presentation at Hillsboro High School in Nashville is part of a leadership course, says school Meredith Lebe
System spokesperson
Libbey said the lesson was inappropriate and that the AIDS prevention and education group Nashville care, which provided the lesson, no longer worked on school property.
Because of concerns about pregnancy, students were trained to become peer counselors, says Libbey.
"The information we provide is more detailed, more intensive, and more vivid than what you see in the school program," said Nashville care CEO Joseph intrant . ".
He said the demonstration was too much to show how to protect themselves in involuntary oral sex.
Interrante said that although the parents had to give written consent, a girl had never handed in her form. She was the 17-year-
Daughter of Roderick Glover, a Christian activist and motivational speaker.
Glover called reporters and the Family Action Committee after his daughter described what he called a pornographic exhibition.
He said he knew nothing about the license.
"I never signed, I didn't see it, and the teacher didn't let me know what it was," he said . ".
The Family Action Committee approached the legislature with Glover's story.
Republican Governor Bill Haslam signed the bill in May, a week after comedian Stephen Colbert was interested in it.
"Kissing and hugging is just the last stop for the train to enter the Groin Central station," Colbert reported on television . ".
The state has not issued guidance to comply with the law, as it does not expect any change because Tennessee requires abstinence --
It has been 30 years since sex education was the center, said Kelli Gauthier, spokesman for the Ministry of Education.
Director of family planning training Godwin said she heard a different story at a meeting in Nashville last week, and teachers and counselors said they were cautious about providing any information about intimate relationships
"They say they are less willing to use outside groups and are more uncomfortable with sex education and are more afraid to answer questions," she said . ".
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