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Thanks for sharing Women’s Day wishes, now share your internet search history - ladies sex toys

by:KISSTOY     2019-10-21
Thanks for sharing Women’s Day wishes, now share your internet search history  -  ladies sex toys
I was deeply moved by the lovely message that a young man shared on Women's Day.
He pointed out that,young)men (like him)
Looking for women all the time.
The first is "Vidya "(education)
And then "Lakshmi "(wealth)
Finally, "Shanti "(peace).
So he bowed to all the women in the world.
This young man is not the only one who, like millions of people on the Internet, expresses his love and respect for women with gorgeous words and images, so I am overwhelmed by an understanding.
This is a new era for women.
We now have young people everywhere who no longer treat women as objects.
All these young people we see in cafes, bars, workplaces and universities are now making friends with young women and treating each other equally.
In every girl, I saw the age of "sex" old uncle and aunt --
The boy relationship is obviously over.
Gen and its evolved brain have proven that biology is just a lame excuse for gen to use
The past hides its morbid state of mind.
Modern male gay Facebookus or Instagramus is clearly too evolved to be overwhelmed by Animal Instincts (such as sex), so all young women who receive his message of goodwill are lucky
While we have such an evolutionary understanding of young men and women, what I cannot understand is that there is a random statistic.
If we look at the user data released by one of the world's largest porn sites, this porn site was visited 33 times in 2018.
5 billion times, this is probably just the tip of the iceberg as we are talking about a porn site.
It is possible to contribute 20 to 50% of lakhs or millions of other porn sites (
According to different sources)
All data traffic on the Internet.
Let us know that we are a small planet with about 3 billion Internet access.
If we assume that less than half of them are women, we have about 2 billion men (theoretically)
Visit these porn sites.
I was shocked by the numbers used for these pornography, especially when we just realized that our young people obviously didn't see women as sex objects, if I look at it from the perspective of web literacy, they will actually form a real majority of these 2 billion male Internet users.
So, there is a problem here. we have to know what it is.
Either we have some very advanced aliens who are obsessed with our Internet, or we have very horny, sexually motivated and presumptuous old peopleultra-
Hidden broadband Internet access somewhere on the planet explains these numbers.
Since this is a very serious issue that has to be addressed, I would like to make a small suggestion to all women who have received a message on Women's Day from a young male friend.
Please ask this gentleman to share his internet search history last month with you.
Dear young lady, I hope all your male friends will provide you with a search history of an academic article on AI or cryptocurrency, but if they don't, you need to start thinking.
If men tell you that the world has changed and they have changed, my advice is to keep an eye on the data of pornographic websites and make judgments based on that data, not the information you receive on Women's Day.
If you are an elderly parent who has begun to believe that the world has changed and the way you look at relationships is out of date and cannot be applied to your children, think about it.
The world has changed, but it may be worse.
So far, women are the object of desire, but now they have turned trillions on sex toys.
Parents need to be aware of this as a generation
And then there's more technology. savvy and gem-past more tech-
Challenge, it doesn't mean gen-
The next step is to become wiser.
By imagining that children know more and therefore better, parents do not do every generation
So far, the past has passed. e.
Promote morality as they know it.
If you are a parent, at least play your traditional role as a parent, rather than being an awesome bystander, because this mess has the ability to disrupt human society in the worst way possible.
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