The 9 Most Important Sex Trends Of 2018 - male anal sex toys

Note: clicking on the link in this article may take you to the website that discusses adult topics.
This year, both sexual and sexual expressions have been packaged in the United States.
In recent years, positive trends such as innovation and diffusion of sexual toys have continued.
But the same is true of negative trends, such as the rate of transmission of sexually transmitted infections.
In 2018, many new trends, such as men's interest in closing the climax gap, and the more general cultural Will to openly discuss sexual abuse, trauma and consent, were incredibly exciting.
But this year there has also been a worrying rebound in the MeToo movement, as well as substantial new restrictions on linear speech and activity.
This regression and review is likely to last up to 2019.
But if more progressive forces can bring these trends to the base Bosh, then we can (hopefully)
Spend next year enjoying upcoming innovations like CBD-
Lace intimate products and customized sex toys.
Bonny Hall of sex toy retailer Lovehoney points out that vibrators and similar products have been constantly innovating and spreading over the past few years, and the quality has been improved as a health product, and has won the favor of mainstream retailers.
Smart toys are becoming more and more powerful and popular.
These trends continue to 2018, and it is also possible to continue to 2019.
In particular, male sex toys have set off a new wave of innovation.
Despite the challenges of selling them).
Moutasem Sayem, an adult industry critic, believes that pornography continues to become mainstream pornography, continues to accumulate social currency and legitimacy, and slowly walks out of the shadow.
The coverage of Stormy Daniel is a complicated and praiseworthy person, not a cliché of pornography, which undoubtedly contributes to the continued security of this year's Long March, streaming giant Pornhub --for-work,headline-
Bait promotes stunts.
In terms of pornographic content, artificial incest and other "taboo" types are still popular, and story-driven short stories with high production value are also popular.
Cross-sex porn continues to be popular.
This is a trend that needs to be opened up as cross-body mass consumption and monetization seem to exceed the public commitment to cross-body demand.
Cyber5, editor of the industry review sitexCritic, believes that porn actors are becoming more accessible because they are more involved in the growing world of camping and independent custom editing, not to mention social media, their personal brand and profitable efforts.
This year, dragsonfolksat home, a sexual health crisis in the United States, may have explored new sexual behaviors and ideas (
Of course, this is hard to determine)
But many of them certainly continue to let their sexual health slip away.
New data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that the United States has suffered record levels of chlamydia, gonoseria and syphilis.
The increasing number of therapeutic resistant strains for these diseases makes this ongoing trend increasingly worrying.
Men receive adult sex education, explore orgasm therapy for women, and education is no longer dominated by female consumers.
Sexologist Jill McDevitt said that after almost 11 years of teaching exclusively for women, this year she and other experts saw a surge in male interest in adult sex education.
She added that while in the past the men in her class were "often foolish or disrespectful", now they are serious, participatory and eager to learn.
Sexual therapist Vanessa Marion says many people who receive adult sex education are increasingly interested in learning about female orgasms and are expected to close the orgasm gap between men and women.
McDevitt noted, "The course on oral sex has paid my bills over the past decade.
No one's taking that class now.
On the contrary, everyone is interested in female orgasm 101.
"Over the past year, the MeToo campaign has facilitated dialogue on accountability and consensus, and the MeToo campaign has focused much-needed attention on an important but inadequate issue
The elements of all good sex are discussed: consent.
"There has been a lot of discussion about how to best convey or convey this," said sex researcher Justin lemelech --
Focus on the Kinsey Institute, "and how best to teach this to teenagers and young people.
"Hollywood has even introduced intimate coaches in many movie scenes to ensure that sensory scenes do not violate the limits of performers.
More generally, the MeToo campaign seems to have led American society to start talking about sexual abuse in an outspoken but complicated way. Powerful (mostly)
When other authorities listen to what they call victims and catch them, the man continues to fall (somewhat)
Responsible for their actions.
This should be a year for sex robots.
Lehmiller noted, "We 've seen people who have written more articles and speeches about the potential impact they think these robots will have on our sex lives.
"All the hype and attention may help sex robot developers as well as many lower people
Technology companies such as sex toy brothels launched this year.
But sex robots are probably the biggest disappointment of the year, as it soon proves that all the excitement and bickering about them makes no sense because sex robots don't exist at all.
All the reports in 2018 showed us Siri-
Level perception unrelated to animation processing.
This may mean that sex robot technology has been around for years. to-
Decades from the level of communication, connectivity, and users --
Consumers are expected to benefit from artificial intelligence products.
This puts sex robots in the same predicament as virtual reality, futuristic sex Biohackers: one day it could bring revolutionary technology (Good or bad.
But it was hyped up before they were ready for prime time, and it turned out to disappoint consumers.
Men seek to limit the potential of the MeToo campaign, which is positive, as the MeToo campaign has been fully launched by the end of 2018.
In October, New York writer Jia Tolentino believed that (convincingly)
The alleged sexual abuse, Brett kavanav, was confirmed by the Supreme Court, not because of the movement, but because of it --
As part of the effort to re-shape men as threatened social groups, they are at the mercy of arrogant and unreasonable women.
Those who are considered to have lost power have begun to re-integrate into their industry.
The voice of progress, like Aziz Ansari, briefly disappeared after his own controversial MeToo allegations were exposed on January, has begun to raise doubts about the social justice movement.
The restrictions are falling on the MeToo movement, and criticism may begin to weaken some of the results it has achieved in terms of the culture of sexual dialogue and consent, even before the true impact of this movement on sex and society has not been fully studied or measured.
While pornography and sexual dialogue continue to be mainstream, a new law still poses a threat to sex workers, with 2018 ending up as a year of sexual Review.
On April, Donald Trump signed a new law into force.
SESTA, on the surface, is designed to block numbers.
Promote sex trade.
However, the law was poorly written and even objections to it were passed.
Human trafficking organizations and federal law enforcement experts.
In short, it opens the Internet platform for related users
Generated content, if any user is found to be involved in a sexual transaction, poses a significant legal risk to the website used to facilitate the work. (
Functionally, this adds to the popular but false confusion between sex work and sex trading. )
The law has led to the closure of websites, groups and forums for sex workers used to facilitate their operations --
Except for those who they use to share security information, such as how to review the customer's ideas, or a list of known dangerous customers.
Pimps are reportedly taking advantage of these lost markets, with many sex workers working in dangerous Street jobs. (
Anyone who thinks sex workers should change the industry now should think hard about the stigma of sex work for a long time how hard it is to get people in the industry out of it, and all valid personal or financial reasons that can lead to people entering or staying in sex work. )
Sex workers and their allies fear it will lead to a string of violence and deaths in their ranks.
Anti-Sexual speech and activities by digital companies
Many advocates for freedom of digital speech believe that SESTA has also accelerated the wave of sexual censorship online.
Sjsjillian york of the Electronic Frontier Foundation explains that since about 2014, companies have been subtly tightening user agreements and community standards and enforcing them, which makes the release of any type
Even educational and supportive content, especially quirky content --
On their platform.
However, this year Amazon, Craigslist, Facebook, Instagram, Patreon, Reddit, Tumblr, YouTube and many other platforms have hit uniquelyhard and faston in terms of sex
Focus groups and content.
"With a lot of this stuff, it's hard to tell where the motivation comes from," York warned . ".
But "some of them may be excessive interpretation of SESTA --FOSTA [sic].
Lawyers really have no incentive to try to stand up against or minimize "the impact of the law on these websites or the community of sex activists, artists, educators, supporters or workers who use them ". FOSTA-
McDevitt believes that SESTA "is causing significant damage" because "in any case, anyone who uses the Internet to read, research, or express themselves in terms of sex.
"My too strong opposition and sexual review is likely to last up to 2019," York argues, "It will also be a major issue in 2019," although I'm not sure what it will look like.
"She and others are worried that Twitter, the last major bastion of online sexual speech, could fall into a wave of censorship in the new year.
Similarly, the rebound against the MeToo movement can easily last up to 2019 or more, limiting or even wiping out its cultural achievements.
But resistance to these worrying trends is possible, but 2019 of people may also see resistance to digital censorship.
York believes that laws and policies may be too extreme.
And the legal and public challenges to FOSTA.
The sexual dialogue between SESTAand has already started.
Similarly, the initiatives of many activists and the broader cultural forces could also weaken the backlash against the métoi movement.
It is also expected that if these negative trends are contained in 2019, or at least plateau, online adult sex education, CBD lubricants and 3D printed toys will appear in 2019, next year, we can all focus on the progress of sex education and entertainment products.
Marin predicts that due to the rise of online courses, access to adult sex education will surge in the coming year to help more people improve their sex life and sexual health.
She also expected a peak in the CBD --
As the cannabis market heats up and begins to focus on the active intimacy market, gender-based products such as lubricants and massage oils ".
Paul Jaques, quality and technology manager at Lovehoney, believes that customized sex toys will also be the focus of 3D printing next year --
The development based on manufacturing is more complicated.
This will not only make toys a little better for the body of ordinary users, but will also be a great boon for disabled consumers.
These don't sound like revolutionary progress.
But they are more in line with the gender culture trajectory of the past few years.
A veritable Renaissance, more and more people begin to realize, explore, or embrace the transition from anal to non-
Normative nature and relationship structure
A stronger rebound and sexual review than the worrying year we 've just been through.