The Future Of Umbrellas Is A Stick That Shoots Air At The Rain - personal massager wand

If you dream of a world where people use air
An electric umbrella similar to a personal massager can resist rain and you can wake up.
Now is the future.
The creators of a new Kickstarter campaign claim to have developed an umbrella to push the air into the rain to protect its owners from getting wet and they have exceeded the $10,000 funding target.
They call it an umbrella.
That's how it obviously works?
There's a lot to digest here. Is it real?
Isn't this an overly complex solution for a fairly simple question?
Isn't this problem solved with an ordinary umbrella?
Doesn't the umbrella look like a sex toy?
Air Umbrella (top)
Compared to Hitachi Magic Wand (bottom)
Private massager.
The manufacturer of Air Umbrella did not reply to our email, so we went to the FAQ section of the Kickstarter page for some answers.
Obviously, it has passed the test of "rain falling from a certain angle", so, yes.
Unfortunately or fortunately (
Depending on your character)
Major changes may occur before the product goes public. The China-
Manufacturers of umbrellas said in promotional videos that they are "working to improve the look, feel and battery life of our products.
What does "hand" mean?
What is going on? Who knows.
Clarification: The bottom photo of this article includes an image of the Hitachi Wand massager to compare its similarity to the gas umbrella.