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the joy of christian sex toys - vibrator sex toys

by:KISSTOY     2019-07-03
the joy of christian sex toys  -  vibrator sex toys
Joey Wilson, without compromising her Christian beliefs, went to find something to enrich her marriage.
She found nothing, and she committed her own crime.
Free sex toy businessBook22.
Com offers books, toys and occasional advice to the Christian community.
The name refers to the Song of Solomon, an extended love poem that constitutes 22 books of the Bible.
After her first child was born, Wilson said, it was difficult for her to rekindle her desire for intimacy.
She and her husband went to search for marriage aids and found that internet searches for products as mild as massage oil led to websites with pornographic images.
"I was really surprised that it was so bad," she said . ".
She discussed with her husband and decided that conservative people must have a way to add a spark to their romantic life.
She said that their website managers have cleared certain types of sex that they believe are not sacred.
They carefully consider which new products to add.
"We pray for things before we add them to our website," she said . ".
"We live very openly in front of Jesus, so we just pray which way he will let us go, and I have to be honest with you --
He really surprised us. . . .
Almost our entire "special order" page starts with this.
Wilson said she and her husband are in good health, but God told them that other couples may need help with a specific toy.
On our blog, an open thread: sexual toys as Christian priests.
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