The mysterious tale of the couple who keep receiving free items from Amazon — and want it to stop - couples sex toys online

The first item arrived was a plastic fan.
Which plug is the USB port of your computer-
Mobile phone charger can be used as electric hand warmer. It was October.
Kelly Gallivan, 68, remembers seeing that the Amazon box was written to her husband and placed outside their Acton, Mass. , house.
She brought it in, opened it, and opened the "tech gadget ".
"What do you do with this?
She remembered asking her. year-old husband.
But they don't.
It's easy for the couple to forget this puzzling package
Until many others began to arrive.
More than 20 boxes have already been sent to the house, all of them have been sent to Mike galgal, and no box has the name, invoice or receipt to send sender.
These gadgets have begun to pile up in one corner of their home: cell phone charger, USB cable, outdoor TV plastic cover, computer vacuum cleaner, USB powered humidifier, Bluetooth speaker, tent lamp, high
Flashlight, dog collar.
The most recent one was last Thursday, Kelly said.
While none of the couple's items were charged, they were concerned that their name might have something to do with some sort of scam.
"It was a little strange at first.
That's funny.
"It's kind of creepy," Kelly Galvan said . ".
"We don't want these things.
Some are rubbish;
Some are good things.
But we don't want these things. it's just an uncomfortable feeling that we keep getting them.
Both retired Gallivans-
The nursing nurse is not the first person to receive such packages.
Several Canadian university students received anonymous boxes marked with Amazon packages.
Their content
Everything from boxes to sex toys
It's confusing, says Sean Wiska, vice president of student affairs at the University of Regina student union.
He told the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
His staff had to ask the students door to door if they had ordered the items.
"The question we are facing is: will this stop and why are these packages coming? ” he said.
Wiskar added: "Our first guess is that this may be a well-planned scam by one of our co-universities, but the money spent on this well-planned prank seems to be
Gallivans said they contacted Amazon and did everything they could to tell them about the package: they were delivered by someone from a white van and their return address seemed to be Lexington ky.
A representative was able to draw from the barcode of the package that the item was paid with a gift card.
Gallivans was told that Amazon will investigate but has not received a response yet. (
Jeffrey P, founder of Amazon
Bezos also owns The Washington Post. )
An Amazon spokeswoman could not be reached for comment immediately by the Washington Post.
Sean P of the Boston Globe.
Murphy, who first spoke to Gallivans about the mysterious package, made the following statement: two experts who had worked at Amazon told Murphy that, A mystery seller may try to increase the online visibility of their products by creating a fake email account and will then be used to create an Amazon account.
According to Murphy, the seller then purchases the product with a gift card and randomly sends it to Gallivans and others.
Once the item is shipped, the seller-
Now considered a "verified buyer"
The product can then be reviewed positively with a fake email account.
Amazon usually shows toprated products.
"More favorable reviews make you look like the business is doing better, so the higher your name is on the list," said Mike Gallivan . ". “If [a seller]
Compared to page 10, they can get to Amazon's first page and have a better chance of doing business.
"Gallivans are not sure how long they will continue to receive the package.
Some projects are doing well. received —
Mike Gallivan says he plans to use high
Pair of intensity flashlight and Bluetooth headset.
Other gadgets, such as "a gadget you put around your phone will light up the area when you want to take a selfie," Kelly Gallivan said, could be donated.
The couple are not very concerned about the stacked items.
They are mainly concerned about their privacy.
"You get a lot of things you don't want, which can lead to troubles and be accompanied by some resignation," he said . ".
"But what's troubling is that my name and information is right out there.
Read more: Why can't you quit Amazon Prime-
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