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The number of people contracting syphilis is on the rise in Cambridgeshire - anal sex toys for women

by:KISSTOY     2020-03-07
The number of people contracting syphilis is on the rise in Cambridgeshire  -  anal sex toys for women
Officials say the number of people treated for syphilis in cam County is increasing.
In 2017, more than 300 cases of sexually transmitted infections were diagnosed in eastern England.
In 2016, it increased by 82 over the past five years.
The UK Public Health Department teamed up with 12 local authorities in the region and the Terrance Higgins Trust to try to raise awareness of the risk of syphilis, its symptoms, and reduce the chance to seize it by practicing safer sex.
The campaign is mainly aimed at men who are gay, bisexual and have sex with men (MSM)
This group accounted for 75% of the 301 cases of syphilis diagnosed in 2017, but anyone who has active sex has a potential risk.
Pregnant women with syphilis can also pass the infection to unborn babies, which can lead to miscarriage or stillbirth.
The number of people living with HIV has also increased nationwide.
In 2017, more than 7000 people were treated for syphilis, the largest annual number reported since 1949.
Dr. Mark Reacher, consultant to epidemiology PHE East, said: "We recommend that anyone who has sex with a new or temporary partner use condoms and regularly check for sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
"The laboratory testing of syphilis seen and conducted by sexual health experts will enable you to accurately diagnose and receive effective antibiotic treatment.
"It is always wise to know the symptoms of STI so that you can notice any change in your health-in this case, signs of syphilis may be an ulcer around your mouth or genitals the area on the palm or soles of your feet or a spotted rash and flulike symptoms.
"If you are concerned, contact the local sexual health clinic as soon as possible for advice and treatment.
"By practicing safer sex and using protective measures when engaging in any sexual activity, including vaginal, anal or oral sex, and avoiding sharing sex toys, the risk of getting syphilis and other sexually transmitted infections can be reduced
Symptoms of syphilis are not always obvious and may eventually disappear, but if they are not diagnosed and treated, infection can lead to serious health problems.
Rachael Scott, director of Trust center and satellite services at Terence Higgins, said: "This eye --
The launch of the new campaign ended up in order for all of us to think more about what we are doing to prevent sexually transmitted infections.
"Syphilis can lead to serious health problems without treatment.
However, in the early stages of syphilis, it is easy to treat and cure with antibiotics.
"It is important to remember that in some cases, syphilis may not have symptoms and may also mimic symptoms associated with other health conditions, that's why taking a test is the only way to determine if you have a test.
"Regular testing of HIV and sexually transmitted infections is critical for good sexual health, and acceptance of testing is particularly important if you have sex without a condom (unprotected)
Sex, how personality partner you have, or you are a man who has sex with a man.
A 60-year-old divorced man from eastern England was infected with syphilis after a brief unprotected oral sex.
Female partner.
Although he used condoms in other sexual activities, he did not believe he was at risk of unprotected oral sex.
In this case, it is through sore mouth.
Dr. Olwen Williams, president of the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV, commented on the syphilis awareness movement (BASHH)
"BASHH welcomes this important new exercise to raise awareness of the symptoms and signs of syphilis," he said.
"In recent years, new syphilis diagnosis has risen sharply, especially among men who have sex with men and some pregnant women.
"Therefore, we urge all those who are concerned about their risk of infection to go to the local sexual health services agency for free and confidential inspections --up.
Syphilis can usually be treated with antibiotics.
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