The Sexual Body Feelings and Erogenous Zones of Men - anal stimulation

There is a common misconception in many women, and many men are also very surprised to think that boys and men only have sexual feelings on the penis, even on the head of the penis.
The reason why many men also have this misconception may be that boys are often educated to suppress the feeling of the body and become harder.
When the body is relaxed, many of the sexy areas of men and boys are better activated, and these areas are stimulated in a gentle way.
Mild stimulation of these areas in a relaxed state can give people the same intense pleasure as the penis, and can even lead to some types of strong orgasm response.
Here is a survey of the various pornographic areas in the male body and how to stimulate the feelings of these areas.
When you masturbate, you can stimulate yourself in these areas, or your female or gay partner can do stimulating work.
The skin of the abdomen and testicles and the contents of the abdomen, including the testicles, are sensitive to erotic stimulation.
When stimulating these genital areas, first grab the penis with your whole hand, heat it in your hand, and then gently massage it through the holding action.
Heating and handling the testicles can make the whole genital area feel.
Stimulation of the capsule also increases blood circulation and nutrition of all reproductive organs around the capsule.
Gently scrolling with your fingers can stimulate the testicles most.
Also scratched the skin of the sac with your fingertips.
Part of the penis is actually hidden in the part of the sac bag, part is hidden behind the sac bag, touch with the fingertips between the testicles or one side under the sac bag, you can massage this part of the penis.
Do a sharp massage with your fingertips to give the most intense feeling to the roots of this hidden penis.
Breast nipples and nipples are important sexy areas for men. men have breasts like women, although men's milk is smaller and more flattering than women's milk.
In fact, men have all the structures that women have in their breasts, but they have not developed into milk production capacity.
This means that a man's breast has the same erotic ability as a woman's breast.
Men's nipples also have this ability.
They will stand up and become difficult when stimulated.
When stimulating a man's breast, grab the breast with your whole hand, heat it in your hand, and gently massage it through the holding action.
To stimulate the nipple, gently massage around the nipple with your fingertips.
Also squeeze the nipples with your fingers, and the strength will vary from very gentle bites to some harder pressure.
The area visible between the penis and the penis is actually a part of a larger body, starting from the prostate area in front of the anus and reaching the tip of the penis.
The urethra also passes through this structure.
When you are as sexually excited as the penis, the part between your legs is swollen, and when it is swollen, the area expands between your legs.
This area gives a strong sense of pleasure under mechanical stimulation.
You can squeeze the area with your fingers to stimulate it.
Press down or massage up the urethra.
You should make a change between mild and slightly more difficult processing, as these two ways create different types of feelings.
The navel of the navel and the bladder area is a pornographic point, as is the central structure of the abdomen between the navel and the penis.
This structure has a groove between the abdominal muscles.
The structure in this groove is very felt, which is called linea alba.
The Navy can stimulate by sticking its fingers in, or by itching deep in the navel with their fingers.
Also, here you should alternate between mild, mild, slow itching and more acute itching.
This stimulation creates the feeling of radiation from the navel to the surrounding and spreads down to the tip of the penis, giving your penis a very interesting feeling.
The groove between the navel and the penis, you can stimulate by massaging up and down with the tip of your finger.
The hips and anus surround the inside of the hip in the birth crack, creating a deep erotic color with very special intimate courage.
Move your fingers up and down between your hips, from the spine to the other end between your legs, gently massage the inside of each hip with your fingertips, and you can also focus your attention on the depths of the cracks near your anus, scratch These closest points with your fingertips.
Also, you can stretch each hip to the side so that the hip crack opens and the rectal opening is stretched.
The result of these operations is a erotic sensation radiating to the entire pelvic region, flowing deep inside you and rising along your spine.
The anal and extra-anal areas are in many ways the real center of a man's or boy's feelings.
By stimulating the area in a proper way, you can create a process that spreads the intense feelings of joy, joy and ecstasy throughout the body, partly in the genitals and abdomen, part along the spine to the neck.
You 'd better stimulate the rectal opening with a very gentle circulation movement at your fingertips.
Alternating between these circular movements and the inner stimulation of the hips.
You can also insert the applied finger into the anal opening and stimulate it by gentle movements in and out.
By extending your fingers further into your anus, you can gently massage the inner wall of your anus.
By adding some stress, your stimulation goes deep into the tissue around the rectum.
All of these stimuli create deep feelings that radiate to the whole body.
The deepest part of the rectum, perhaps the closest and most sensitive part of the man, is the deepest part of the rectum.
Gay sexual intercourse or contact with a false penis or other long object can be achieved to this extent.
When inserting things into the anus to stimulate this area, be sure to be very careful so that it will not hurt the intestinal wall.
However, this area is so sensitive that even the most mild stimuli can bring a great feeling to the body and mind.
You can gradually gently stimulate the area by inserting a thin smearing penis, and when fully inserted, move it in and out very gently, slightly, or gently press different sides with a false penis.
The more you relax, the longer you do this stimulation, the deeper and stronger your feelings will become.
Prostate: The prostate is located in front of the anus and the urethra passes through the anus.
This gland produces a large amount of viscous liquid in semen.
You can press the front of the anus with your fingers inward and stimulate it from the outside.
There is a deepening in this area, like a small vagina.
Put your finger into this groove and move a little forward.
You can also stimulate the prostate by inserting your finger into the anus and massaging the prostate through the anterior wall of the anus.
Massage releases prostate fluid.
Feel the gathering of liquid through your urethra and drip it out through your urine-
Hole, add to physical execution.
The prostate also has its own sexual feelings. Prostate massage combined with anal stimulation can induce a form of orgasm, which has a stronger psychological and ecstatic effect than the ordinary penis orgasm.