The Sexual Confessions of Travelers - best sex toys

How many of you have had romantic encounters on your travels?
You are not alone.
But did you leak the dirty details?
These people did it.
When more than 11,000 tourists were asked about the issue, their confession was like a wave.
Discover unusual places where people make love while on vacation, where travelers are most eager, how they engage in sex, and so on.
You may need to take a cold shower after this time!
Public toilets, swimming pools and parks, and public areas of guest houses, oceans and buses, cars and trains are all the places where travelers spend the most time on vacation.
Other places worth noting?
Churches, festivals, balconies, clubs, restaurants, museums, planes, boats and gardens.
And, uh, ski resort?
This is impressive considering all the clothes involved.
Sleep with Italian, Greek, Bulgarian, Portuguese or Brazilian if you want to have safe sex.
This is because travelers from these countries say they always use protection measures.
As for the Chinese, Indonesians, Turks, Hungarians and Malaysians, you have to take risks and sleep with them yourself.
They say they don't use protection (Boo! ).
When asked which nationality women like best, 79% chose Ireland (followed by the British, Italians and Canadians ). Not convinced?
According to Huffington Post.
Com's article, "," Irish men are attractive because they don't ask in-depth, introspective questions when they meet, they want to make their mother happy, they downplay the word "cute" that the biggest men of them often say on rainy days, and they try to cheer you up.
And some of them look like Colin Farrell.
It may not hurt. .
People are eager to socialize with Russians while on vacation.
At least 84% of people do so.
Next, they seek the love interests of Poland, Colombia, Sweden and Brazil.
According to the Russian language and culture website, Russian women are charming and beautiful, take care of themselves, make family a priority, and be proud and humble. .
According to the travelers surveyed by hostelbookers, good luck hooking up with the Germans. com.
14% said the Germans were the hardest to attract.
After that, they said it was difficult for the British to get along with the French.
It's hard for Germans to be romantic?
A list of stubbornness, good debate, and cold.
We wonder if the German model Heidi Krum would agree with that? .
Do you prefer sexual adventure when traveling?
Many travelers surveyed said yes.
According to the survey, 43% of people had sex with more than one person on the same trip (9% admitted having sex with five or more people) and 17% took part in the threesome
In addition, 69% of tourists have sex with locals, 17% carry sex toys while on vacation, and 13% of tourists have sex with their orientation.
If you had a one-night stand while on vacation, you're definitely not alone.
It turns out that 41% of women and 52% of men did it while on vacation.
Since many of you are doing this, we have provided you with this handy guide, "posted at the salon this summer. com.
Guys, if you're dating people in these countries, please be on the lookout.
This is because 31% of Brazilians, 30% of French, and 28% of Bulgaria admit to cheating their other half on their trip.
Overall, 16% of travelers of all nationalities admit to cheating while on vacation.
We hope your relationship will survive the last trip.
But here's a link if things get uncertain.
Travel is also heartbreaking.
17% of the travelers broke up with the other half on the trip (we couldn't help but think of the bickering couple on the "amazing game") and 37% broke up before the trip, 46% broke up after the trip came back.
48% of travelers gave up their trips.
For those who think they can't find love during the holidays, keep this in mind: 1 out of 5 trips becomes a relationship.
So, put the dust on your passport and book the trip!