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There is a social network that allows strangers to control each other's sex toys from afar - couples sex toys online

by:KISSTOY     2019-12-10
There is a social network that allows strangers to control each other\'s sex toys from afar  -  couples sex toys online
Recently, I have a chance to try us-
The Vibe 4 Plus is a remote digital vibrator connected to the remote control and mobile app that allows partners to control the vibration mode of the toy.
The manufacturers touted US.
The benefits of Vibe for long-
Remote couples may want to foster some intimacy with the help of Bluetooth connections, just like other sex toy companies that sell similar products.
I can't say I used this toy, but I can say this: when I open the box, I put the vibrator on my coffee table and walk into my room to try this app.
It succeeded and my heart was blown.
Maybe I was alone, but I found out that online sex jumped from my young AOL chat room to the camera --
Today's smart vibrator and Bluetooth sex toys are amazing.
But I think there is a new development that almost reflects
How far online sex has gone (pun intended, I think): The LovePalz Club, a Taiwanese social network that allows completely unfamiliar people around the world to control each other's sexual toys from a distance.
It works like Tinder, except for the same potential that there is no IRL sexual intercourse.
Lu, spokesman for LovePalz, told Daily Dot: "We look forward to a variety of users . ".
"The LovePalz Club is a platform for getting tired of the elderly --
Old-fashioned social networks and [are] looking for excitement.
The app offers excitement along with the company's remote digital toy Twist.
There are two different styles of this toy. -
A woman, a man. -
It has vibration speed and mode that can be controlled online.
LovePalz users can browse the photos of other users anonymously until a matching photo is found and then decide if they are willing to participate.
The app does allow texting and video calls, but it is strongly encouraged to play alone with a Twist device. So. . .
First of all, as Betabeat points out, it means the real-
Life connection or 1-night-
This is not the worst thing from a public health perspective.
After all, LovePalz and other remote vibration devices (when used alone) do not have a risk of sexually transmitted infections or accidental pregnancy.
Of course, LovePalz particularly lacks the intimacy of a partner, which may be objectionable to some.
Or maybe it's just a cool new way to spend the night alone-
But not exactly.
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